The beautiful insects in winter

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Immigration in April

The pigeon tail, scientifically Macroglossa stellatarum, is native to the Mediterranean area. If there is strong food competition there due to mass reproduction, many specimens develop an enormous migratory instinct.

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With small stops to refuel nectar, pigeon tails can cover more than 1,000 km in just one week. Every year from April they can also be found north of the Alps. As a rule, you only stay for the summer and make your way home in good time before the onset of winter.

Although the pigeon tail comes from the night owl family, it can also be seen during the day as it flies from flower to flower at a rapid pace.

More and more pigeon tails are becoming permanent guests

It is increasingly observed that not every pigeon tail makes its way home, instead winters with us. Experts suspect that this is due to global warming, which is causing some regions to have milder winters.

The lifespan of a pigeon tail is only four to five months, but several generations follow each year. Greenish caterpillars hatch from the eggs laid in the garden, and the moths follow in the further development stage.

Search for winter quarters

The approximately 4 cm tall adult animals do not tolerate freezing temperatures and therefore have to find a frost-free winter shelter in autumn. They welcome a hollow tree, but also a dark cellar.

Spotted pigeon tails in winter

What should you do if a pigeon tail is spotted somewhere in your own four walls?
Mostly he will hide in the basement or in the attic and not disturb the homeowner. But this can harm the butterfly out of ignorance.

  • Butterfly is frozen in winter
  • should not be disturbed
  • do not bring into warm rooms
  • the "awakened" pigeon tail would starve in it
  • Catch specimens lost in living rooms with care
  • in garage, cellar in attic
  • offer an option for take-off in spring
  • for example through a slightly open window

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