Lime Tree Loses Leaves What Can You Do?

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Newly purchased lime sheds leaves

If you've just bought your lime and it's already shedding its leaves, it's not A cause for concern - even if the tree may have a large number or almost all of its leaves loses. This is annoying, but perfectly normal. The lime tree was exposed to a lot of stress - a change of location, maybe a drive, temperature differences, etc. - and reacts to it by shedding its leaves. However, you do not need to be afraid, after a while the sapling will reliably sprout again.

also read

  • How to overwinter your lime tree
  • Properly prune a lime tree
  • Help! My tangerine tree is losing leaves - what to do?

How can I prevent sheets from being shed after shopping?

Unfortunately, it can hardly be prevented that your newly purchased lime tree throws off its leaves in shock. However, you can reduce the stress - and thus the risk of leaf shedding. So you should about your new sapling do not repot immediatelyeven if the pot seems too small to you. Instead, place the sapling in a sunny, sheltered place and leave it alone for the time being - that is, do not turn or turn the pot.

Lack of water / waterlogging

Another reason for leaf shedding is incorrect use of water. Both too much and too little water can eventually cause the lime tree to lose its leaves. Especially with waterlogging, d. H. if - to put it bluntly - the tree gets its feet wet, it becomes dangerous. Waterlogging causes the roots to rot, the above-ground parts of the plant can no longer be properly supplied and the lime throws away all ballast. In such a case, only repotting with a root cut will help.

  • Cut off any rotten parts of the root path.
  • Put the lime in fresh substrate, ideally Citrus earth.
  • Make sure there is good drainage in the pot, e.g. B. through a layer of expanded clay several centimeters thick
  • Place the pot on a saucer or in a bowl where excess water can drain off
  • Remove the water from it regularly!
  • Only water when the top layer of soil has dried off

Tips & Tricks

Furthermore, the lime tree often throws its leaves during winter quarters, especially towards its end. The cause of this is usually a lack of light, which you can use a special Plant lamp(€ 65.50 at Amazon *) can fix.


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