So pull them out successfully

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The best time to plant the tubers

Nowadays, different types of turmeric are often available almost all year round as potted plants in various specialist shops for garden and indoor plants. In fact, it is almost irrelevant for a culture on the windowsill at what time of year the tubers are planted in the ground. However, it is always the case that the above-ground parts of the plants take a long time after flowering wilt and eventually die. That is with Cultivation of turmeric quite normal, as the plant retreats into its rhizome-shaped persistence organ for the period of dormancy. If you want to put your turmeric plant outdoors as a potted plant, then you should prefer the tubers indoors in spring. To do this, the tubers are put into the ground around February and placed in a place that is around 22 to 24 degrees Celsius. The frost-sensitive plants can then usually be put outside from May.

also read

  • Turmeric - Toxic or Healthy?
  • Grow turmeric yourself as a flowering plant and cooking ingredient
  • Turmeric - interesting facts about the leaves of this versatile plant

Here's how to properly plant turmeric tubers

For a healthy sprouting of the tubers, it is important that they do not rot due to waterlogging. There are several possible ways of doing this:

  • a very shallow planting on the substrate surface
  • very economical watering
  • the use of drainage material in the plant substrate

Some gardeners only place their turmeric tubers on the moistened soil and press them lightly. The tubers are then only planted deeper when a green shoot has already appeared on them. But it has also proven to be used Potting soil to mix with a share of about 30% gravel. In this way, the tubers are adequately ventilated and excess moisture can drain off easily.

Hibernate turmeric properly

An important point in the Care of turmeric is the right wintering. The tubers of the heat-loving plants should be dug out in the open as soon as the temperatures drop well below 10 degrees Celsius. Then the rhizome tubers are overwintered in a dark room and at around 15 degrees Celsius in one of the following ways:

  • "Naked" and dry
  • smashed into sand
  • in a pot with relatively dry soil


Usually also in the pot grown turmeric tubers excavated in autumn to be divided due to their size and sometimes used as a spice. Even tubers overwintered in the pot should be dug up and repotted in spring at the latest.

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