Hardy varieties and care tips

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Recognizing hardy rocket - tips

If rocket is on the table in the German household, it is mostly the spicy, aromatic rocket or Senfrauke (Eruca sativa). The varieties of this rocket genus are extremely sensitive to frost and not suitable for wintering. The wild rocket (Diplotaxis tenuifolia), on the other hand, is a hardy perennial that thrives in the garden and along the way. The following table shows how you can differentiate between the two genera:

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Distinguish arugula Perennial / hardy Annual / sensitive to frost
Surname Wild rocket Garden mustard rocket
Botanical name Diplotaxis tenuifolia Eruca sativa
Middle name Narrow-leaved double seed Real rocket
Height 70 to 100 cm 10 to 50 cm
Heyday May to September May to September
Flower color yellow White
leaves narrow, pinnate beech-pinnate (similar to dandelion)
taste spicy nutty, slightly hot
Plant family Cruciferous vegetables Cruciferous vegetables
genus Double seeds Senfrauke

New on the market is the rocket variety 'Runway', a successful cross between rocket and wild rocket, which is only partially hardy.

Hibernating wild rocket - tips for beds and buckets

Have you identified your rocket plant as hardy wild rocket? Then nothing stands in the way of multi-year cultivation if you heed these tips. How to overwinter rocket in the bed and on the balcony correctly:

Hibernate in the bed

  • Cut off the rocket close to the ground after the first frost
  • Cover the root disc with leaves and needles

Hibernate in the bucket on the balcony

  • Cut back shoots and leaves before the onset of winter
  • Substrate mulch with straw, autumn leaves or bark mulch
  • Wrap the vessel with winter fleece
  • Place on a block of wood in a sheltered corner of the balcony

Regular watering is the most important maintenance of rocket in winter. Drought stress is the most common cause when wild rockets fail to sprout in spring. If snow and rain do not deliver moisture in the bed, please water on frost-free days. Check the substrate in the pot every one to two weeks with a finger test to see whether there is a need for watering.


Drives the wild rocket in the Herb spiral does not go out after winter, it could be due to the neighboring plants. In mixed culture with chervil, coriander or Nasturtiums Rocket is often left behind.

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