Recognize and fight diseases (Wisteria)

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What diseases is wisteria susceptible to?

Occasionally, chlorosis occurs in wisteria. Yellow leaves are often a first clue. The causes lie in the water and / or nutrient supply. The wisteria reacts very sensitively to a deficiency or excess. In the event of a pest infestation, think about above all else Spider mites and aphids.

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How do I fight pests on my wisteria?

There are several ways to control voles, but be careful with poison. Often, eviction by sound and / or rumor is recommended. This is certainly worth a try, especially since you will not do any harm with it. However, a cat that catches voles is more effective.

You should fight spider mites and aphids as soon as possible so that they cannot cause permanent damage. There is a risk of spider mite infestation, particularly in dry and warm weather. You can rinse this off with a powerful jet of water.

A mild soap solution is particularly effective. After a few days you should repeat the treatment to prevent re-infestation. You fight aphids in the same way, and beneficial insects such as Ear pince-nez.

How do I prevent wisteria pests?

The most effective measures to prevent disease and pest infestation are choosing an appropriate one Location and the right one care. If your wisteria feels good, then it is also resistant. So give him a sunny spot, enough water and a place that is low in nitrogen fertilizer.

plants Put the wisteria in a so-called vole basket to protect against voles. However, this should be made of wire, as the mice cannot be deterred by plastic, they simply eat their way through. You can also make a protection yourself from sturdy wire.

The essentials in brief:

  • occasional leakage of chlorosis
  • Roots very popular with voles
  • Infestation with spider mites or aphids possible

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