This is what you should pay attention to

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Edible or Poisonous?

An important question when it comes to which herb should end up in the basket. Every collector should be aware from the outset that there are also all kinds of things in the great outdoors poisonous wild herbs gives. Some even look very similar to edible wild herbs. Therefore, the most important rule is: Only collect edible wild herbs that you can clearly identify.

also read

  • Wild herbs in spring - discover, collect, enjoy
  • Wild herbs in March - discover the first spring specimens
  • Wild herbs in May - nature surpasses itself

Identify plants safely

Don't worry: the more you collect wild herbs, the more familiar they will become. At some point you will know for certain which herb it is. But at the beginning you should inform yourself in detail about their distinguishing features.

  • Read books of wild herbs
  • Visit wild herb hikes and seminars
  • Use the wild herbs app
  • Thoroughly study images with identifying features

It makes sense if you take everything with you on your first forays into nature that can help you identify the herbs.

Usable plant parts

Most edible wild herbs have delicious leaves. Some species score with their flowers, seeds, roots or fruits. As a collector, you should do that for every searched or know found plant. The collection time also plays a role. Leaves collected early are young and tender, while some become quite bitter with age.

The importance of the collection point

Every weed has its preferred locations where it thrives and is easy to find. A few species seem to be comfortable almost everywhere. So it is not surprising that we have some Wild herbs in the garden can find. For example the chickweed. Every collection point must be subjected to a critical inspection so that no harmful substances are guaranteed to adhere to the herb. For example, it is important to clarify the following questions:

  • Do dogs run past it?
  • Is there a busy road nearby?
  • Is chemistry being sprayed on nearby beds / fields?

Helpful collecting utensils

Do not go empty-handed on an extensive wild herb hunt. The following utensils are part of the basic equipment that can make the search much easier. Put them together as needed each time.

  • Basket / bag
  • Scissors / knife
  • shovel
  • Long clothes (ticks / thorns)
  • Determination book or App


It is best to always take a bag with you on your nature walks. You never know when you will unexpectedly come across an edible weed.

Wild herbs to start with

The number of edible wild herbs is great. Not all species grow in moderation and neither do they grow in every region. If you are looking for wild herbs for the first time, you should start with a few well-known specimens:

  • daisy
  • dandelion
  • Giersch
  • Nettle

Add new herbs soon if you like. Ideally, those whose identification appears to be certain to you based on clear external characteristics.

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