So keep them in check

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An important part of the ecosystem - a plea for the spider

If the ecosystem had to do without the help of spiders overnight, it would find itself in a dangerous imbalance. In fact, no other species of animal devours insects as much as the spider. In addition, the arthropods act as scavengers because they do not disdain animals that have been killed.

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Scientists have calculated that the spider population in Germany annually destroys a whopping 5 million tons of insects. Part of it is the pests in your garden, like Aphids, Mealybugs and mealy bugs. You should therefore welcome spiders in the garden as a helpful support in plant protection for free.

No entry - this is how spiders stay in the garden

Although spiders also prove to be diligent pest killers around the house, they are not welcome. So that their presence is limited to the garden, various options are available to prevent spiders from entering the house. The following deterrents target the fine sense of smell of spiders:

  • Dissolve essential oils in warm water, such as tea tree, peppermint or lavadin oil
  • Add a drop of detergent as an emulsifier and pour into a hand sprayer
  • Spray all entry gates for spiders regularly

Spread small pieces of cedar wood, lemon wedges, old tobacco or black pepper on window sills and in the corners of the room. Add lemon juice to the mopping water every time you clean to distribute the defensive scent throughout the house.

Should a long-legged helper ever get lost in your living space, you can simply move the vagabond to the garden. To do this, put a glass over the spider and slide a sheet of paper under it. Without touching it, you carry the spider outside and give it freedom.


The contribution of spiders to the preservation of the ecosystem is not limited to their hunt for insects. The spider itself is an important part of the food chain, because arthropods are at the top of the menu for birds and other beneficial insects.