What is the distance to be kept?

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How much space does lettuce need?

While in Growing trays If about two seeds per tray can be sown, you can save time and work with direct sowing in the field by directly maintaining the necessary planting distance. In general, lettuce should have 25cm of space in all directions. With very large varieties, you should even keep a planting distance of 30cm. The seed package usually states which planting spacing is advisable.

also read

  • Sow lettuce: Directly outdoors or in seed trays
  • How far should you plant thuja?
  • At what distance should I plant creepers?

Good and bad neighbors

Like most vegetables, lettuce doesn't go green with all. However, lettuce has very few enemies. You should only keep it away from parsley and celery. On the other hand, there are a lot of vegetables that lettuce is great with.
On the other hand, the lettuce gets along very well with these plant neighbors:

  • Eggplant
  • Beans
  • dill
  • peas
  • Strawberries
  • fennel
  • Cucumber
  • Carrots
  • chervil
  • Cabbage plants
  • Kohlrabi
  • cress
  • leek
  • Corn
  • peppermint
  • radish
  • radish
  • rhubarb
  • Beetroot
  • Salsify
  • asparagus
  • tomatoes
  • Chicory salad
  • Onions

Plant the lettuce step by step

Here's how to plant or sow your lettuce:

  • Choose a bed that is as sunny as possible and that has not had lettuce in the last three to four years.
  • Dig up the bed properly.
  • Put a few liters of compost on top and mix it in well.
  • At a distance of at least 25 cm, press about half a centimeter deep hollows in the earth.
  • Put the lettuce seeds inside and cover them with soil.
  • Carefully pour on the lettuce. Be careful not to wash away the soil!
  • If you have problems with snails in your garden, it is advisable to protect the lettuce with a snail fence or something similar.

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