Beans do not germinate »What can be the reason and what should be done?

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What can be the reason if the beans don't germinate?

Every now and then it happens that beans germinate badly. The reasons are varied, but usually one of the following causes is behind it:

  • Seed too old
  • Seeds stored incorrectly
  • Too much dryness
  • Ground too cold
  • wrong sowing depth

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  • Prefer beans in cold frames and in the greenhouse
  • This is how the pre-germination of beans works
  • Diseases and pests in beans

Seed too old

Bean seeds should not be stored for more than four years. After that, the ability to germinate rapidly decreases. However, seeds that are two or three years old can also have problems germinating, especially if they have been stored incorrectly.

Seeds stored incorrectly

The bean seeds must always be stored in a cool, dark and dry place. Direct sunlight and moisture can have a lasting effect on the ability to germinate.

Too much dryness

Bean seeds are after the sowing poured on thoroughly and must not dry out under any circumstances until they germinate. If a germinating seed is exposed to drought, it will die and will not germinate again.

Ground too cold

Bean seeds need a minimum temperature of 5 ° C. If the temperatures drop below that, the young seedlings die. However, it is advisable to only sow the beans when the soil temperature is above 10 ° C. This speeds up germination and helps eliminate all risks.
In general, the warmer the soil, the better the beans will germinate.

Incorrect sowing depth

Beans should not be sown too deep. The sowing depth should be a maximum of three centimeters. If the seeds are sown too deep, this can also result in poor germination.

This is the best way to germinate the beans

To make sure that your beans germinate well, here's what to do:

  • Use seeds that are no more than three years old.
  • Soak your bean seeds overnight.
  • Sow your beans with a maximum sowing depth of 3cm with the specified planting distance.
  • Pour the beans well.
  • Make sure the soil never dries out.


If you want to be on the safe side when it comes to temperature and humidity, put the seeds in pots and put a cling film over them. This keeps the seeds moist and warm.