This is how it works in the fridge, freezer and sand

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Harvest and shelf life

Turnips are ready for harvest in September at the earliest, the time being the sowing Has an influence on ripening. The root vegetables store more and more energy in the tissue the longer they stay in the ground. This increases the shelf life and the beets can be stored longer because the rhizomes benefit from greater amounts of energy. The consistency of the vegetable tubers is a disadvantage, because the root meat becomes increasingly woody and loses its tenderness.

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Beet rental

It used to be a common method to store the harvest in a heap. To do this, dig a pit with a minimum depth of 40 centimeters and cover the bottom with a layer of five centimeters of sand. Place the vegetables loosely in a plastic box and put it in the hole.

It is then filled with leaves and sand. Wooden boards serve as a cover. The beets endure short-term sub-zero temperatures that do not fall into the double-digit range. However, they should mostly be stored frost-free.


This variant is based on the hibernation of the tubers in the garden. Large buckets or boxes serve as storage vessels, which are filled in layers with sand and turnips. It is important that you place the containers in a dark, cool and dry room so that the root tissue does not rot. Check whether these conditions are met in your basement.


Before storing, remove all green parts of the plant, as they draw water out of the beet and can start to rot.

Fridge and freezer

You don't need to wash the root vegetables for temporary storage. It is sufficient if you loosely place the yield in a plastic box and slide it into the vegetable compartment. Here the tubers keep for up to three weeks. When you close the jar, you should regularly check for condensation. If there is too much moisture, the fabric can quickly go moldy and rot. Cleaned, peeled and blanched root vegetables can be stored in the freezer for about twelve months.