It has these advantages and disadvantages

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Where there is light, there is also shadow, as it should be for at least one high quality greenhouse heard in summer, but this also applies to its advantages and disadvantages. Of course, there is a difference between building yourself and buying a prefabricated house. Both variants have in common the fact that they cost money. Sometimes this amount can be in the five-digit euro range. The construction costs increase with the size of the greenhouse and in addition to a stable foundation, the sometimes expensive interior fittings must not be underestimated. But after all, to some extent it is a luxury good, so the price is not necessarily one of the greenhouse disadvantages.

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Are they disadvantages or are they more motivation?

The preparation, the construction or even the erection of a prefabricated house are among the extremely labor-intensive tasks. The proper and appropriate management of a garden is also. Ultimately, however, the owner can end up looking for a completely new one

Aesthetics of his property enjoy, is able to pursue a wonderful hobby and, if he has done everything right, probably has better and safer Income than in the home garden. All year round, if he wants it.

And yet there are disadvantages to the greenhouse!

Once set up, there is practically nothing that can be reversed, not even a poorly built foundation that may not be sufficiently stable afterwards. Further disadvantages, almost all of which can be influenced by the client:

  • Overestimation of one's self: A 25 square meter warm house represents a lot from a structural and technical point of view higher requirements than a covered carport.
  • Cheap material: Cheap is almost always expensive on every construction. In view of the acrylic sheets on the roof becoming brittle or brown after five years, you have to worry about it ask yourself whether a higher-quality cover profile made of heat-insulating insulating glass would not have been more appropriate.
  • High operating costs: They are primarily a question of the optimal location on the property, the insulation material used but also the quality of the workmanship of the construction.


It is better to plan ahead, but still realistically. Less is often more, and if already in the construction the possibility of a later expansion If this is taken into account, this also helps ensure that any disadvantages in greenhouse construction do not arise in the first place can.