Summer storms: what does a good household insurance cover?

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The purpose of insurance is to have damage covered by household insurance. But not every provider pays in every case. You can find important information here.

Storm damage

Both summer storms and winter storms are becoming more frequent and more intense. Not only is this uncomfortable, but it can also cause significant damage. A broken branch or a window left open is enough to destroy glass, cause laminate to swell or cause water damage.

In order not to have to bear the costs alone, household insurance makes sense. However, there are considerable differences between the providers in terms of the coverage of possible financial expenses. These include, for example, the classification of wind and the demarcation against storm.

Wind force

Although the insurance policy can cover storm damage, it does not apply if it was only a matter of strong winds. This distinction is made with the Beaufort scale. If the measured wind force is 8 or less, it is wind. If it is above it, it is spoken of a storm. You should pay close attention to this when deciding on household insurance. Because the difference between whether you have to pay for damage yourself or if it is covered by the policy can be a few kilometers per hour with the wind speed



One of the most common reasons for non-payment of insurance benefits is negligent behavior on the part of the policyholder. This can also be a small mistake. For example:

  • Tilted or open windows
  • Burning candles or open fire
  • Doors not locked
  • Not cut trees
  • Unsecured umbrellas

For example, if your balcony door is damaged because the parasol stand tips over, one of them splinters If the window pane is broken off by a branch or if it rains in, the costs are often not increased accepted.

Tip: To prevent this, you should opt for a policy that includes the waiver of the objection of gross negligence. In this way, the assumption of the costs can be secured.

Maximum amount

Depending on the provider and tariff, the insurance contract stipulates whether a maximum amount or a percentage will be taken over in the event of damage. With a maximum amount, for example, you will receive a sum of 2,000 euros, even if the damage is 5,000 euros or even higher. In the case of a percentage assumption of the costs, on the other hand, the fixed share is paid. The higher this percentage, the higher the insurance costs.

Maximum amount received for storm damage

Household items

Do that

Maximum amount of cost coverage depends on the value of your household items. A good insurance company will advise you in detail on this. However, it doesn't hurt if you do an inventory yourself.

An apartment in the luxury segment with the appropriate equipment should have higher insurance than a student apartment with inexpensive second-hand furnishings. It is ideal if you include the value of the following items in your household items:

  • Books
  • Electrical appliances
  • Works of art
  • Luxury goods
  • furniture
  • Jewelry and watches
  • Home textiles

Even if you have very expensive items of clothing, expensive luxury items such as cigars and wine or valuable books, you should add them to this. Then divide the total by the number of square meters and you will find the appropriate tariff for your insurance more easily.

Clarification of duties

Good household insurance will provide you with comprehensive information about your obligations in the event of damage caused by summer storms. These include:

Immediate notification

You must report any damage to the insurance company immediately. In such cases, it should be available around the clock.


If, for example, water is damaged by a broken pipe, the main water tap must be turned off. In apartment buildings, this is not always so easy for tenants.
Info: Suitable contact points are the building manager or caretaker. In addition, an emergency number should be available for accidents.

Leave the damage

You should refrain from making changes to the damage, such as tidying up or removing objects.

follow instructions

When the damage is reported, a good insurance company will automatically inform you of how to proceed. This will help you take the right steps and actions. Follow the instructions carefully. Otherwise you could be accused of breach of obligations and the assumption of costs

be denied.
Property damage from summer storm

Cover during summer storms

Even good household insurance only covers household effects from storms. This means that goods of use and consumption are insured. As you read the contract very carefully, make sure that the following items are insured:

  • furniture
  • Carpets and home textiles
  • Securities
  • Electrical appliances including tools
  • Art and decorations
  • Food

If, on the other hand, it concerns your vehicle or damage to the house, other insurances apply.

Tip: Also, make sure items in the basement are also insured. Because everyday objects and supplies are also occasionally stored here, for example through Damage to the building caused by storms was affected, reduced in value or even completely destroyed can be.

Contract and customer reviews

In any case, due to the large number of providers and different tariffs, you should study every detail of the contract carefully before signing it. If something is unclear to you, ask and let us explain the meaning to you. A good and reputable insurance provider will provide you with comprehensive information and, among other things, suggest more suitable tariffs for you.

Another good source of information is reviews from other policyholders. It can be noticed, for example, that some providers repeatedly fail to make payments until they take over the Costs a great deal of time and time and effort on the part of the insured, or loopholes have been found will.

Home insurance with extras

When concluding a contract, make sure that any external rooms that may exist are also insured. These include, for example, rented items or those belonging to the apartment:

  • Garages
  • Hobby rooms
  • Private storage rooms
  • workshops

These should also be secured and insured against damage caused by summer storms. In any case, you should find out in advance whether this is the case.

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