Do voles hibernate?

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Does the vole hibernate?

Unlike many wild mammals and reptiles, the vole does not hold any Hibernation. It is active all year round. It is therefore particularly harmful in winter: Since the food supply is scarce, it eats what is available, and in winter these are mainly the roots of fruit trees and winter vegetables.

also read

  • Killing vole: methods and alternatives
  • Field mouse or vole?
  • Vole or rat - the differences

Moles in winter

The mole is also one of the winter-active animals and is often confused with the vole. Moles are protected and must not be killed under any circumstances. Make sure that your uninvited guest is a vole and not a mole.

Fight vole in winter

The good news is that a vole can be fought in winter just like any other time of the year. It is even much more likely that the vole will fall into the trap in winter because the food supply is scarce and it has to take what is available. For the Fighting the vole different methods are possible:

  • Vole with wire keep away
  • Vole gas with carbide stones (the gas drives away the animals, but does not kill them)
  • With deterrent plants like garlic, sweet clover or cruciferous leaves Milkweed to evict
  • Use stink bombs to banish human and animal hair from the hair
  • Live trap for voles
  • Put a cat on the vole

Less recommended methods for Death of the vole to lead:

  • Poison vole
  • Set up vole shot trap


Voles are loners. So if you have been trapped by a vole, you can sit back and relax and enjoy your winter vegetables.

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