How big can they get?

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Size of pear trees

Pear trees are depending on variety three to 20 feet high. The higher a pear tree grows, the more expansive its crown becomes. House gardens are too small for such giant trees. The pears cannot be harvested properly either. When choosing the location, one must consider whether there will be enough space for a large tree.

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If you are in the home garden Plant pear trees, pay attention to short varieties. You can be much better maintain. Half-trunks and pear bushes are well suited. They take up less space than standard pear trees.

Several specimens of lower trees can also be planted in the garden. Since pears are not self-pollinating, there must be at least two pear trees in the garden.

Espalier pears, the space-saving alternative

You can plant espalier pears on house walls or special scaffolding. You will only get as high as you allow. Since such pear trees are mainly pulled wide, they take up little space.

Another way to cultivate low pear trees in the garden is with container plants. Despite their small height, you can get considerable amounts of such trees Harvest pears.

Keeping small pear trees in the garden

The following growth forms are suitable, which can be achieved through certain pruning measures:

  • Half-trunk trees
  • Pear bushes
  • Espalier pears
  • Pears in the bucket

Tips & Tricks

If you would like to give small pear trees a try, why not plant columnar pears. They only consist of a main stem with small branches, on which, with good care, many fruits can grow.

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