This is the best way to get them through the cold

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Beeches are hardy

Beeches have no problem with low temperatures. Older trees can even cope with temperatures as low as minus 30 degrees. That is why well-grown beech trees do not need winter protection.

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It is important that you no longer keep the trees from August fertilize and if possible not trimming. This would stimulate new growth. The new branches are not hardy, however.

Protect beech trees from drying out in winter

A beech tree must always be slightly damp. In very dry winters, it happens that the roots dry out and the tree dies. However, this usually only happens in young trees whose roots are not yet so well developed.

In the first few years you should therefore protect the soil area under the tree with a mulch blanket.

Beech trunks have a very thin bark that can get sunburned in strong sunlight - even in winter. You can protect young beech trees from this with burlap or brushwood.

That is why a mulch blanket makes sense in winter

A mulch blanket out

  • leaves
  • Lawn clippings
  • compost
  • straw

always makes sense with beech trees in winter. These organic materials protect the soil from drying out and prevent weeds from emerging. In addition, the blanket decomposes and releases valuable nutrients, so you can Fertilize save.

at Beech typesthat lose their leaves in autumn, you should simply leave the leaves lying around as a natural protection in winter.

Hibernate bonsai beeches in a frost-free place

If you have a Beech as a bonsai If you pull in the bowl, you have to keep it as cool as possible but frost-free over the winter. A cool one is well suited Garden shed.(€ 39.99 at Amazon *)

You can also take the bonsai out of the shell and plant it outdoors in October. The tree is then dug up again in spring and placed in the bowl.


The fruits of the beech have to go through a cold phase in winter. Otherwise the seeds will not germinate. If you have a beech tree Beechnuts self multiply you can put the fruit in the refrigerator for a while.

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