Clematis 'Josephine' TM Evijohill (N)

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Beauty is a matter of taste, but the clematis 'Josephine' is undoubtedly one of the beauties in the clematis family. Its plump, soft pink inner flowers are accompanied by an outer ring of long petals. These have a stronger color stripe in the middle, become darker and say goodbye early. This change in the flower pattern creates beautiful accents in the garden. What needs do the fine tendrils develop?

Growth and flowering

The Clematis variety 'Josephine' is a hybrid variety that can quickly grow up to 2.5 meters high. In order for it to reach this height, it needs a scaffold to hold on to. It is suitable for the garden as well as for the bucket. Her climbing skills make her a natural privacy screen. The pink flowers appear twice per garden year. The first flowers are double and appear from May. It blooms the second time from August. The beauty of its 14 to 16 cm wide flowers has already earned it the "Queen of the Garden" award in England.


The strongly flowering clematis needs a sunny location if it is to present its flower show perfectly. This climbing master is also satisfied with a partially shaded place. Places that never see the sun are not at all suitable. The only part of her that loves shadows is her roots. This is due to their origin as a forest plant, where their roots grow in the shady area. This preference is retained in gardens and should therefore be met.

  • Plant smaller plants around it
  • or choose very flat ground cover
  • these neighboring plants provide shade to the root area
  • they do not take away the suns from the flowers
  • alternatively, a 10 cm thick layer of mulch shades the roots
  • when planting the clematis approx. Insert 10 cm deeper
Tip: The sunny place should be sheltered from the wind, as the clematis tendrils are very thin. Strong winds can bend them easily, even if they are tied to the climbing frame.


Clematis 'Josephine' TM Evijohill (N)The clematis extends its roots deep into the earth. She should be able to do this effortlessly right from the start. The soil must not be too heavy and loamy. But it must not be too sandy either, because then water would drain off too quickly. A mixture of humus and sand is ideal. If the soil does not have these properties, it must be prepared accordingly before planting the Clematis 'Josephine'. Sand must be added to solid ground, maybe even a few stones. Soil with a high proportion of sand is enhanced with potting soil. The soil should always be loosened well and deeply. It is also worth creating a drainage layer made of stones or grit. The clematis needs plenty of water in its vegetation phase, but this must not stand. A drainage layer reliably prevents waterlogging.

Planting out

The clematis 'Josephine' is characterized by its good winter hardiness. It is therefore allowed to grow outdoors. If larger areas are to be greened with them, several plants are necessary. The planting distance is about half a meter. Basically, the clematis can be planted out on all frost-free days. But you will get the best result if you plant clematis in late summer. Between August and October, the soil temperature is ideal so that the clematis can take root quickly and well. Well rooted, it survives the upcoming winter and starts the new flowering season without delay.

1. Place the Clematis pot in a bucket of water for 10 minutes so that the root ball can soak up.

2. Dig a planting hole about twice the size of the root ball. The distance to the house walls should be at least 15 cm.

3. Loosen the soil deeply.

4. Lay a 10 cm drainage layer made of stones or grit.

5. Check the

Nature of the earth. Add potting soil or sand as needed.

6. Carefully remove the clematis from the pot without damaging its roots. You are not allowed to pull on the tendrils. It's better to keep the pot upside down so that the plant can slide out.

7. Place the clematis straight in the planting hole, approx. 10 cm deeper than it was in the pot.

8. Fill the hole with soil, press it down lightly.

9. Soak the 'Josephine' well.

10. Set up a suitable climbing aid if there is no climbing opportunity.

11. Water the plant regularly and as needed. Pay particular attention to the current weather.

Tip: When planting out the clematis, use the soil to form a pouring wall around the root ball. This will make watering easier for you later.

Tub planting

Clematis 'Josephine' TM Evijohill (N)Because of its winter hardiness, the Clematis 'Josephine' is an ideal garden plant. However, an outdoor space is not a must. If you want to plant this clematis in a tub, you are welcome to do so. If a few rules are followed, she will thrive there too. Because the clematis quickly makes large leaps in growth and forms abundant flowers, it needs a large pot and ideal framework conditions.
  • large pot of min. 25 liters volume
  • large holes in the bottom required to allow water to drain
  • approx. 10 cm high gravel layer prevents waterlogging
  • Use nutrient-rich potting soil
  • regular fertilization during the flowering period
  • Shade the root area
  • Offer suitable climbing support
  • potted plants also have to be cut
  • bring in a bucket in winter or protect it with fleece
  • carry out an earth exchange every few years


Clematis need plenty of nutrients. These should be available to you in sufficient quantities during the growth phase. A long-term fertilizer such as horn shavings is ideal. These are applied early in the spring so that they can be broken down by microorganisms. There are also special fertilizers for climbing plants, which are administered with the irrigation water during the growing season and ensure a beautiful bloom. Rose fertilizer has also proven itself well for clematis. Fertilizing should be stopped from mid-August, because the clematis will soon be in the resting phase.

to water

If you have young clematis in your garden, you should give them regular water. The top layer of the earth dries out quickly when exposed to sunlight. The roots of young plants are not yet deep enough to be supplied with water from deep in the earth. Watering is especially important during flowering and on dry days. All the necessary nutrients are absorbed through the water, so the root area should not dry out in summer. Clematis that tend to grow in pots also need more attention when it comes to water. The soil dries out faster in buckets, and long roots are no longer of any help. Therefore, do not allow potted plants to dry out either. Only clematis that have been growing in the garden for several years can provide themselves well with water. You should only give them water in a very hot summer.


Not all Clematis varieties are cut equally. Different flowering times require different pruning measures. The hybrid variety 'Josephine' TM Evijohill (N) is one of the two times flowering Clematis varieties. The buds for the shoots are already formed in the previous year. The flowers develop on the new shoots. The clematis that bloom twice are divided into cutting group 2 by the plant expert. This means that they are cut moderately before budding.
  • cut in winter
  • all months from November to January are ideal
  • Cut back in half
  • but not less than one meter in height
  • every five years radical cut makes sense
  • in the case of radical cuts, shorten to 20 cm above the ground
In order for the second bloom to be abundant from around August, everything that has withered should also be removed continuously.

Diseases and pests

Clematis 'Josephine' TM Evijohill (N)

The better you care for your clematis plant, the more resistant it is to diseases and pests. The large-flowered hybrid varieties, to which the 'Josephine' belongs, are susceptible to clematis wilt. Behind it are actually two different fungal diseases, the Phoma clematis wilt and the Fusarium clematis wilt. Cut off diseased parts and treat the plant with a fungicide. With the Fusarium clematis wilt, you should cut off all above-ground shoots.
If the wilt is recognized in good time and appropriate measures are taken, the clematis has a good chance of survival. However, regeneration can take a long time. It can take up to three years for the clematis to sprout again from the ground.
Tip: The fungus can survive for a long time and possibly infested other clematis in the next year. Therefore, dispose of all plant parts of a diseased clematis thoroughly. Also, collect any dry residue from the floor.
Protect the roots of the clematis with a wire basket from being eaten by mice in case you struggle with these pests in your garden.


The Clematis 'Josephine' is hardy and copes well with low temperatures. Freshly planted specimens should still be protected from severe frosts with a thick layer of mulch or fir branches. Clematis that are planted in the tub should overwinter in a bright, cool winter quarters. If this is not possible, the bucket must be wrapped with fleece and placed in a protected place. When it gets warmer again in May, the clematis can go outside again.

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