Balcony plants that bloom in March

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Spring greeting in the language of flowers - planting plan for the balcony box

So that your balcony announces the approaching spring with colorful flowers in March, planting time is already in February. By placing the following plants in mid / late February plant, set the course for a romantic flower festival on the balcony in March. The following planting plan is for a 80 cmFlower box(€ 149.00 at Amazon *) thought:

  • 1 piece of white rose primrose (Primula vanilla)
  • 1 pink cowslip (Primula vulgaris)
  • 1 piece of blue dalmatian Bellflower (Campanula portenschlagiana)
  • 1 piece of white daisy (Bellis perennis)
  • 1 piece driven yellow daffodil, daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarzissus)
  • 1 piece of pygmy sweet flag (Acorus gramineus variegatus)
  • 1 piece gold-yellow Gold lacquer (Erysium)
  • 1 piece of ivy 'White wonder' (Hedera helix)

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Before planting the plants, please spread a drainage made of potsherds on the bottom of the box. On this occasion, check whether the holes in the bottom for the water drainage are open. Fill the balcony box with halfway up

Potting soil. Before potting the plants, soak the root ball in water until no more air bubbles rise.

Suggestion for the plant arrangement

You will achieve an imaginative appearance if you plant the blue bellflower and the white rose primrose on the two side ends. The gold lacquer shines to the left of the bellflower. This is followed in the background by the dwarf calamus, in front of whose grass head the pink cowslip is in the limelight. The direct neighbor of ornamental grass and cowslip is the yellow daffodil, which functions as a key plant. Ivy and daisies lie at her feet.


March is the perfect time to get overwintered Geraniums to prepare for the coming season. Cut back the leafless shoots so that 2 to 4 buds or leaf roots remain. Then you should see the summer flowers repot, water and spend in a bright window seat until mid-May.