Recognize and fight pests

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Aphids can be found on almost every plant. There are only a few plants that avoid these sap-sucking insects. The green, black or yellow creatures sit exclusively on the soft parts of the oleander, i. H. mainly on the inflorescences and on the young shoots. They damage the plant not only by sucking off the sap, but also by their excretory secretion, the so-called honeydew, which is high in sugar. These sweet excretions in turn attract ants, but also mainly serve as the basis of food for soot thaw fungi.

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Above all, showering the oleander with a sharp jet of water helps against aphids. Water mixed with a few splashes of detergent also helps very well. If the infestation is severe, the use of a suitable insecticide is recommended.

Spider mites

Just like aphids are too Spider mites not particularly picky about food crops. The tiny animals, however, are particularly fond of oleanders, which is why spider mite infestation is very common on these shrubs. As a rule, the infestation is already very strong when the signs are already bare

eye become visible: Then you can see fine, cobweb-like webs on the plant, and the leaves in particular turn silvery. Spider mites only appear when the weather is warm and dry.

A high level of humidity helps very well against spider mites, which is why the oleander is not only used when it has already taken place Infestation, but also to prevent it from being moistened with water every now and then with the help of a spray bottle should. Rapeseed oil-based remedies available from specialist retailers are also very effective, but above all you should use the Treat the underside of the leaves and repeat the procedure every few days should.

Scale and mealybugs

the brown or black scale insects are also quite common on oleanders. These are also sap-sucking insects that excrete a sticky-sweet secretion. These excretions, in turn, attract both ants and sooty mildew. An infestation with mealybugs, on the other hand, is quite rare, but not unlikely. These plant lice can be recognized by their white, fluffy shields.

Plant lice are quite stubborn, but leave them with you Soft soap(€ 38.84 at Amazon *) remove well. However, mechanical removal is very tedious, especially with larger oleanders. In the case of a strong infestation, in many cases only a strong pruning will help.


Prevent a pest infestation by spraying the oleander regularly and thus ensuring increased humidity.