Simple instructions in 4 steps

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French beans or runner beans?

First of all, you should be clear about whether you want to grow French or runner beans. Need runner beans Climbing aids and therefore need a little more preparation; the green tendrils can visually enrich bare walls or beds with low plants.

also read

  • Build bean trellis yourself
  • Can you plant beans and tomatoes together?
  • Differentiating and getting to know bean types

Location and planting time for beans

Beans like it warm, especially when sprouting. Therefore, you should plant them in some sunny, sheltered locations. So if you want to sow your beans outdoors, you should wait until after the ice saints. Otherwise, you can keep the beans at home on the windowsill or in the greenhouse prefer and thus premature the harvest.

Instructions for growing beans

  • Beans
  • water
  • Climbing aid for runner beans
  • hoe
  • Watering can or hose for watering

1. Prepare the bed

Runner beans as well as French and field beans are poor eaters, which means that they do not need a lot of nutrients. So the bed should be in front of the sowing not be fertilized.

Instead, loosen up the soil a little with a hoe and pull straight rows by either A sense of proportion or with the help of a rope that you stretch between two sticks or a long one Bar.

If you are growing runner beans, attach your trellises now.

2. Sow beans

The ideal planting distance varies depending on the type of bean. Usually it is between 5 and 15cm. French beans need a little more space than runner beans because they grow in width.

Beans can also be sown in a group in the eyrie. Five to eight beans are sown in a circle. In the case of runner beans, circular sowing is particularly useful: Put a pole in the center of the circle and pull ropes from each bean up towards the pole.

Push the beans one to three centimeters into the soil and close the holes.

3. to water

Now water your seeds well. Make sure that the bed never completely dries out, especially during the germination phase.

4. Pile up the French beans

Bush beans can be piled up from a size of about 6 inches to give them more stability. You can find out more about this here.

Check out this video to learn more about successfully growing beans in the garden:



To protect the beans from pest infestation, it makes sense to grow them in mixed culture. Get to know more good neighbors for beans here.