Fruit Tree Cancer »How to Identify and Treat It Correctly

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Cause and damage

The cause of the appearance of Fruit tree cancer are not uncontrollably growing cells like in humans, but a mushroom. As a result, despite having the same name, fruit tree disease has nothing to do with human disease. Occurs this illness up, growths develop on the trunk or branches that continue to expand. The branch or twig dies over the cancerous sites because the supply of water and nutrients is interrupted. In winter, spherical red mushroom fruits emerge, in which the spores of the fungal pathogen are located. They penetrate the tree through wounds; these can be cuts, but also wounds such as those caused by hail, frost or wild animals.

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Larger cuts, like those in the Fruit tree pruning For this reason, spread with a wound closure agent such as Malusan or the like. ä. As a preventive measure, fruit trees should only be planted in locations that suit them, with cold locations and a

moist, heavy soil favor the occurrence. Also a one-sided or very nitrogen-oriented one fertilization has cancer-promoting effects, which is why fruit tree cancer is often found in farm gardens fertilized with liquid manure. Certain Apple varieties are considered to be very susceptible, this is especially true for 'Berlepsch', 'Cox Orange', 'Gloster', 'James Grieve', 'Klarapfel' and 'Oldenburg'.


Twigs and branches infested with shrimp cut Place a hand's breadth below the cancerous area. Cancer spots on the trunk and on thicker branches, on the other hand, are cut with a knife, possibly also with the saw, cut into the healthy wood. The final treatment with a wound closure agent is absolutely necessary to prevent the pathogen from re-penetrating. In commercial fruit growing, agents containing copper are used to combat them, but these are not approved for use in the home garden. As a heavy metal, copper accumulates in the soil and affects the organisms living there.

Proper wound care in fruit trees

On fruit trees, tree cancer (as well as frost, pest and wild animal damage, branch monilia or fruit tree pruning) should Damage must be treated so that it heals quickly and prevents the penetration of fungi and other pathogens will. For larger cancerous areas, proceed as described:

  • First, cut out the cancerous areas deeply with a saw.
  • Very deep infected areas are then reworked with a chisel.
  • At least one third of the branch circumference must be left for supply.
  • For quick healing, the edges of the wound are smoothed with a sharp knife.
  • Cover large wounds with a wound closure agent.


Winter frost damage can be avoided if you close the fruit tree with a Lime paint Mistake.