So he can get through the cold safely

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When is the best time to dispense?

Falling temperatures in autumn are the perfect preparation for a healthy winter. Leave your chili tree outside until it falls below the magical 10-degree mark at night. A useful tool is a minimum-maximum thermometer that shows you the lowest temperature of the previous night in the morning.

also read

  • How should I overwinter my tree chilli?
  • How to care for tree chili - tips and tricks
  • Hibernate palm trees in a pot - this is how it works

How should a chili tree overwinter?

Because of its origin, a chili tree is tough. As long as the great guy is not treated with frost and darkness, there are good prospects for a healthy, safe wintering. The secret of success is a combination of a suitable location and careful care. How to do it right:

Location tips

If your chilli tree had a say, your winter guest would advocate a location with these framework conditions:

  • Cool, tempered with 12 ° to 18 ° Celsius (at least 10 °, maximum 20 ° Celsius)
  • Flooded with light, without direct sunlight

A bright, cool stairwell, winter garden or greenhouse are ideal. If you still have a bright spot in the slightly heated bedroom, the chilli tree will be happy to keep you company here.

Chili tree winter care

Tree chilli stop growing in winter. If you coordinate the care program with the rest phase, nothing can go wrong. Only pour dried earth after a finger test with stale water. Please do not give any fertilizer until the first leaflets sprout in spring. This is the best time to have a wintered chilli tree to repot and get in the mood for another productive season.

Which mistakes should be avoided?

A chilli tree is doomed in winter if the carpenter make these mistakes:

  • Location too dark
  • Temperatures below 10 ° Celsius
  • Mold formation due to soil that is too moist
  • Drought stress due to infrequent watering

If aphids and white flies attack a tree chilli in winter quarters, its continued existence is on the knife edge. Regular checks with the help of a magnifying glass expose the Pests in good time for effective control with home remedies such as curd soap.


The wintering of your chili tree should not fail due to the lack of space. All species in the paprika genus can be cut back. Cut Cut excessively long shoots back by half before clearing them away. As long as you leave at least one pair of leaves standing, a tree chilli will sprout again in the next spring.

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