Blood plum »Recognize & treat diseases

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Fool's and pocket sickness

This fungal infection shows itself through clear patterns:

  • Leaves: dry up shortly after budding, fall from the tree
  • Shoots: thickened, deformed young shoots

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In this case, no pesticides are permitted.

Shotgun Disease

This fungal infection can be recognized at first glance:

  • Leaves: with small brown spots, later recognizable as holes

The spots herald the death of individual pieces of tissue. These fall out of the leaf. Botanists refer to these holes as shotguns. Immediately cut affected leaves from the tree. Any specimens that have fallen will be picked up. Then make sure that it is disposed of separately away from the compost. The residual waste is an alternative. This way you will prevent the fungal infection from spreading.

In addition, the specialist store offers copper preparations or fungicides. You use this at the beginning of the infestation. In the coming spring, spray young leaf shoots with these agents.

Monilia: fruit rot and top drought

These diseases are caused by two similar types of fungus. Mainly occurs in years with a lot of rain Monilia in different forms. A large number of fungal spores form a long time before flowering. With the help of the wind, these are distributed over the entire wood.

Peak drought:

Distinctive for this infestation are dry shoot tips. If this is not treated, the fungus will spread more with each new season. You should definitely remove dead branches and fruit mummies and destroy them far away from the garden. Make sure that up to eight inches into the well-preserved wood cut will.

Fruit rot

Recognizable by ring-shaped, brown areas. Remove infected fruit from the tree immediately. Wasp traps also prove themselves. The animals can no longer eat the fruit. There is less attack surface for the monilia fungus.
Alternatively, you can spray with horsetail extract in the spring for prevention.

There are also pesticides against Monilia. Make sure that only approved variants are used.


If the infestation is limited, no action is necessary. In the case of stubborn pest infestation, the use of Asian ladybirds is recommended. These tend to eat small lice.

Tips & Tricks

Find out about special ones when you buy a new tree Care instructions. Proper location and adequate fertilization are important factors in disease prevention.


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