Checklist: gardening in the fall

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  • Planting conifers: small conifers can stay in the same pot for many years. They are planted in structured soil with a high proportion of coarse Bark mulch. Water only moderately during the winter months and avoid waterlogging.

  • Planning for spring:Grape hyacinths, Crocuses and Tulips are now put in boxes and pots. From November with brushwood or a layer of peat for a light Winter protection care for.

  • Repot climbers: every 3 to 4 years Climbing plantsthat are pulled in buckets, new earth. For clematis and wisteria, the best time to repot is.

  • Harvest seeds: the annual climbing plants run out of breath in autumn. But before you dispose of them, you harvest from Nasturtiums, Firebeans and star bindweed seeds for growing the next year.

  • Grant fuchsias: In the case of fuchsias, cut off all wilted leaves and flowers and cut back shoots that are too long before putting them away.

  • Geraniums grant: By the end of October at the latest, the balcony classics should come to the bright, 5 ° C cool winter quarters. Before doing this, break out all the flowers and cut the shoots by half.

  • Angel trumpet support: We recommend using a saw for thick branches. However, do not cut back the flowering area completely, which can be recognized by the asymmetrical leaves.

  • Cutting clematis: Varieties that have flowered in summer are cut back to 20 cm. Do not shorten spring bloomers.

  • Curb fungal diseases: collect all diseased and shed leaves and flowers. This removes the nutrient medium from most types of fungus and prevents the pathogens from overwintering on the balcony.

  • Check storm security: Weigh down weak planters with large pebbles. Tighten the screws on the box suspensions and the hanging baskets.

  • Make winterproof: Ornamental trees in the pot are covered with fir branches or wrapped sparingly. This not only protects them from drying out when the winter sun shines on the bark and leaves.