How to deal with frost damage

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What frost damage can it show?

Brown leaves or leaf tips appear on the after winter Hemp palm on, it is definitely frost damage. That is not a matter of concern. Even if hemp palms can withstand temperatures of up to minus 17 degrees, this does not apply to the leaves. she freeze to death already when the temperatures drop below minus six to ten degrees.

also read

  • Prevent brown leaf tips of the hemp palm
  • Causes of yellow leaves on the hemp palm
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If the heart of the palm is also frozen, the frost damage cannot be repaired. In this case the hemp palm dies.

Cut brown leaves after winter

You can use the brown leaves of the hemp palm in spring cut off. But make sure that they are really brown and dried out before you reach for the scissors.

Shorten brown leaf tips with scissors if the sight bothers you very much. Often, however, the interfaces also turn brown later.

When you remove the leaves, a remnant of four to six centimeters must always remain. Do not trim the leaf directly on the stem.

Prevent frost damage to hemp palms

Frost damage to the hemp palm can be prevented if you move the palm to a sheltered place in the garden plant out or put the bucket in a suitable place on the terrace or balcony.

In an unprotected outdoor location, you should spread a mulch blanket made of leaves or straw under the palm tree.

Cover the palm with sackcloth, Coconut mats(€ 21.90 at Amazon *) or similar materials to protect the leaves from severe frosts.

Prevent frost damage from moisture

Even more than the cold, winter wetness causes frost damage to hemp palms. Cover the palm heart so that it is not too exposed to moisture.

It is better to place hemp palms in the bucket in a slightly covered place.


Hemp palms are hardy up to minus 17 degrees. When overwintering in the bucket, the temperatures should not fall below minus six degrees. Alternatively, you can also use the hemp palm in the Winter apartment.