Sow radish »This is how it's done

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Sowing summer radish

Some Summer radish varieties can be sown early in the year. As early as February, summer radishes are preferred in a cool room on the windowsill. sows them in the greenhouse or Cold frame the end. The seedlings should be warped and hardened a little before they move outdoors. To avoid the shooting, the sowing outdoors not recommended before April. If the outside temperature stays at 12 ° C, the seeds are scattered in the earth.

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Sowing winter radish

The winter radish is sown directly into the prepared beds from the end of June to the end of September. It is particularly suitable as a mixed culture between carrots, tomatoes and beans. The neighborhood or Radish as a subsequent crop after other cruciferous plants.

General sowing methods

  • in rows
  • Row spacing between 20 and 35 cm, including plant spacing in the row
  • Sowing depth of 2-3 cm

Since the differences between the varieties are sometimes considerable, it is advisable to carefully follow the instructions on the seed bag. The giant radishes in particular have a higher space requirement and a deeper loosening of the soil.

Demands on the soil

It is sufficient if the soil contains the remains of the nutrients incorporated for the previous crop. The easy-care radish can cope with this. It is important to loosen the soil deeply for varieties that are supposed to develop straight fruit for a long time. This makes it easier for the tubers. For the Cultivation Radish also requires sufficient light and, above all, an even water supply.

Tips & Tricks

Take advantage of the opportunity to produce radishes in different colors, shapes and with different sowing and Harvest times to grow. This is how you can find out which strain is best for your garden.

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