This is the best way to remove the leaves

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Pick up or leave?

You should be aware that there is a general obligation to evacuate the sidewalk in front of your property. You can find important facts about the legal regulations at this side. However, since the regulations are not uniformly agreed nationwide, you should also contact Inform your public order office if you are unsure how, where and when to sweep up the leaves have to.

also read

  • Collect leaves with the lawn tractor - effective or not?
  • Pick up helpful tips on foliage
  • Removing or leaving leaves on the lawn?

How exactly you keep things tidy in your own garden, however, is up to you. There are no laws here, but it is in your own interest to consider some recommendations. For example, you should consider your Lawn basically remove fallen leaves. The carpet of leaves prevents the blades of grass from being able to absorb sufficient light and oxygen. The consequences are noticeable in the next spring when dried-up spots appear on the green area. Also from ponds and Rock gardens you should see the leaves remove.

It is different in beds. If the foliage does not bother you visually, it is even an advantage that Leaving leaves lying around, because

  • Foliage serves as more natural fertilizer
  • Foliage is like one Mulch layer
  • Foliage protects your plants from frost
  • Foliage is used by small animals as winter quarters.


Use for Collect leaves Their mowing machine. This will save you a lot of time.

Process foliage further

In order for you to use your foliage effectively, you should first get it compost. Here decompose small microorganisms turn the leaves into organic matter. To speed up this process, it is helpful to cut the foliage beforehand crush. However, you should know that some tree species such as the walnut rot very slowly.

Pay attention to

However, if the leaves begin to mold due to moisture, you can no longer use them. Therefore, store the leaves in a covered, sheltered place and check your compost regularly.