Build a garden house without a building permit

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What does the requirement for a permit depend on?

The factors that play a role in the building permit are diverse. Which includes:

  • The type and construction of the arbor.
  • The volume in cubic meters, which is calculated from the size.
  • The planned facility such as sanitary facilities, heating or a kitchen.
  • Future use.

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These conditions are regulated differently in all federal states, depending on the municipality.

The application for approval

The building administration in your municipality issues the building permit. When submitting the application, you should have the following documents ready:

  • The completed application form.
  • The building description, from which all relevant data emerge.
  • An exact site plan on a scale of 1: 500, which also shows the distances, boundaries and the built-up area.

In some cases additional documents are required. It is therefore advisable to contact the building authorities in advance and, if necessary, to consult an architect.

How big can a summer house without a permit be?

In many municipalities, tool sheds without a foundation, which are less than 2.50 meters high and which do not exceed a built-up area of ​​three by four meters, do not require approval. In the built-up area, however, the volume can be as little as ten cubic meters, which at best corresponds to a very small tool shed. In addition, the limit distances of the applicable building regulations must be strictly adhered to.

Even if you have the tool shed on solid foundation would like to ask, which is strongly advised for many surfaces, a permit is often required. The ancillary facilities, including garden houses, may only be located within strictly defined building limits. In addition, it is important to keep certain distances to the neighboring properties.

Don't forget the neighbors

Even if that Garden shed(€ 39.99 at Amazon *) requires a permit and the municipality gives the green light for construction, you should talk to your neighbors. Even if you are at the Structure of the hut Keeping the required distances, the house can provide additional shadow, perhaps precisely at the point where the neighbor prefers to relax in the sun. In this case, annoying lawsuits could be the result and the friendly contact with the neighbors could be a permanent burden.


It is advisable to contact the local building authority before buying an expensive garden house in order to inquire about the regional requirements. This is the only way you can be sure that you don't have to dismantle the new house after all, just because the desired model exceeds the permitted height or size.

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