Creating a rose garden »This is how it becomes fantastically beautiful

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Plan the rose garden

Even in Goethe's time, roses were either white, pink, or purple; today's variety of colors did not exist yet. Modern roses inspire with their incredible variety not only in color tones, but also in flower and growth forms. In order to create a harmonious overall picture from this, precise planning is immensely important.

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Selection of rose varieties

There are suitable roses for every garden and almost every location. That is why you should before the specific variety selection First of all, check the exact conditions in your garden: What is the soil like? In which places is there a lot of sun, in which rather little or only at certain times? In which direction is the garden oriented? Where are there protected corners for sensitive rose varieties, where should rain- and frost-hardy varieties be planted? However, it is not only the local conditions that influence the choice of variety, the purpose also plays a major role. For

a lush rose hedge For example, wild or larger shrub roses are suitable, for a colorful rose bed you can choose between bed, shrub and hybrid tea roses. High trunks on the other hand should better be planted as solitaires in order to fully develop their effect. If possible, choose healthy varieties with the ADR seal to save yourself disappointment later.

Plant the rose garden according to the color wheel

As soon as you have determined the location and planting purpose and selected suitable rose varieties, you can start thinking about the combination of flower colors. If you follow the rules of the color wheel when designing your rose garden, you basically can't go wrong.

Harmonious tone-on-tone combinations

Adjacent colors on the color wheel, which contain pigment components of the other, always have a harmonious effect. Examples of this are pink with purple or yellow with orange. For this effect, however, you should only combine warm or cold shades with one another.

Contrasts enliven the picture

On the other hand, contrasts are more stimulating than tone-on-tone compositions. To do this, you combine so-called complementary colors; these are the colors that are opposite each other in the color wheel. Nice examples are green and red, yellow and purple, blue and orange. You can use warm and cold colors together. Color sounds, on the other hand, are created through combinations of several colors that have the same brightness and color quality. They look harmonious and yet lively, such as purple, yellow and apricot.

Don't forget: seating and sidewalks

When planning your garden, don't forget the seating and sidewalks! Plan your rose garden in such a way that you can walk in it and reach every plant for care at any time. Also, seats do not necessarily have to be on the terrace. A second seat away from the house, where you can sit in the middle of your roses and enjoy them, is ideal.


Take care when choosing the rose varieties and their companions not only on color and shape, but also on the final height as well as on whether the plant grows slender upright or rather bushy.