Growing the stevia plant »A little guide

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Which location does the stevia prefer?

Give the heat-loving plant a sunny, warm and sheltered location in the garden or on the balcony. The plant is not frost hardy and has to overwinter indoors.

also read

  • The wintering of the stevia plant
  • Proper care of the stevia plant
  • Propagate stevia - this is how the offspring succeeds

Which substrate is suitable?

Stevia plants prefer barren and nutrient-poor soils. Loosen humus garden soil with a little sand or pumice before planting.

How much space does the plant need?

Keep a planting distance of about thirty to fifty centimeters in the bed so that the herb can develop well.

When is planting time?

After the ice saints, the pots with the sweet leaf are allowed to move onto the balcony. As soon as the soil has warmed up sufficiently, you can transplant the honey leaf, which is used to the changed conditions, into the field.

Can you propagate stevia yourself?

Breeding stevia is not difficult. You can use honey herb from

  • Seeds
  • Cuttings
  • Lowering
easily pull it yourself.

When is harvest time?

Harvest the leaves of the sweet herb at least every three weeks and remove the entire tip of the shoots. This encourages the plant to branch out richly and keep forming new shoots.

How are the leaves processed?

You can use the leaves fresh immediately to give hot drinks a pleasantly sweet aroma. Dose carefully, five to six leaves per pot are usually sufficient.

Alternatively, you can Dry stevia herb and obtain a liquid extract from the honey herb yourself.

How does the plant overwinter?

If you have a heated winter garden or a heated greenhouse with temperatures of at least 18 degrees Celsius, you can cultivate stevia without a winter break.

If you do not have this option, the plant is cut back to about five centimeters in autumn and dug up. Put the honey herb in nutrient-poor soil and spend the plant in a frost-free room until next spring. From March onwards, place the stevia in a bright window to stimulate the regrowth.

Tips & Tricks

Honey herb is considered a natural sweetener for carefree enjoyment. The natural sweetener does not harm the teeth or the figure and thus offers pleasure without remorse.