Here's how to build it up step by step

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A wooden raised bed as a kit

Modular raised bed construction kits in the plug-in system can be put together in a completely uncomplicated manner without any technical expertise. The trade has a large number of different sizes and expansion elements that are tailored to the systems. This allows the bed to be perfectly tailored to your individual needs. Particularly practical: Trapezoidal constructions that taper towards the bottom so that you can work very comfortably on the bed.

The structure

  • First, sort all the elements of the bed.
  • Lay out the basic planks according to the assembly instructions.
  • Insert the spacers and anchor the next boards.
  • Inside, to protect the floor from moisture and rear ventilation, a potable water-neutral base wall studded membrane made of PE is inserted.

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  • Ideally, create a raised bed in autumn
  • Only paint raised beds with non-toxic paints
  • Can you just fill a raised bed with soil?

This is not always included in the kit. Therefore, inquire when purchasing whether you need additional accessories.

Build a raised bed yourself

Various materials can be used to frame the bed:

  • Wood: Looks very natural and harmonizes wonderfully with the green surroundings.
  • Sheet steel: a very sober variant that goes well with modern gardens.
  • Concrete blocks: A brick raised bed is something that lasts forever. However, this bed sometimes looks a little boring and optically doesn't blend in well with the green space.

We opted for a raised bed made of wood with a fairly uncomplicated structure that even the inexperienced do-it-yourselfer will manage. For this you need:

material Dimensions
4 posts 70 to 90 centimeters high
2 side walls 30 centimeters high, length depends on the desired length of the bed. At least 2 inches thick.
2 side walls 30 centimeters high, width depends on the desired width of the bed, at least 2 centimeters thick.
1 base plate Dimensions correspond to the length and width of the bed.
4 ground knock-in sleeves Matched to the dimensions of the posts.
Wood screws
Screws for the ground sockets
Tacker with needles
Weed control(€ 13.47 at Amazon *) or foundation wall studded membrane made of PE Amount sufficient to line the entire bed.

The structure:

  • First screw the 4 side walls together to form a box and connect them to the base plate.
  • Screw the 4 posts inside the floor.
  • Mark the position of the four feet at the desired location and here the Ground sockets hit.
  • Place the frame in the sleeves and screw it tight.
  • Fasten the weed control or film to the side walls with a staple gun.

And then you can pour substrate into the raised bed.


If you like gardening on the terrace or balcony, you can also take advantage of the advantages of a raised bed here. Simply mount plant troughs on sturdy feet that have rollers on the underside. A raised bed is ready, which you can also easily transport from one place on the terrace to another. It is not only perfect for vegetables and herbs, but also for sensitive plants that should only be exposed to the blazing sun from time to time.