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The Japanese miracle flower wilts when it is frosty

When the days get shorter, the Japanese wonder flower ends its appearance on the garden stage this year. With falling temperatures, it becomes too uncomfortable for her in the Central European climate. Therefore, it pulls in its shoots and leaves in order to create a reserve from the remaining nutrients in the tuber. If the thermometer fluctuates between 5 and 10 degrees Celsius at night, the exotic plant cannot survive in the open air.

also read

  • It's that easy to overwinter the Japanese wonder flower
  • Skillfully planting a Japanese wonder flower - How to do it right
  • Is a wonder flower hardy? - Tips for wintering

This is how you guide the Japanese wonder flower through the winter

Yellow discolored leaves and a steadily decreasing abundance of flowers indicate in autumn that the Japanese wonder flower is preparing for its dormancy. You should therefore stop giving fertilizers from September. At the same time, you gradually reduce watering. In good time before the first frost, give the Mirabilis jalapa in order to overwinter them as follows:

  • With the help of a Digging fork lift the tubers out of the ground
  • Cut off the drawn-in shoots and all roots
  • Knock off adhering earth

For winter quarters, choose a dark room with temperatures between 5 and 10 degrees Celsius. Ideally, store the tubers on a wooden shelf or wire rack without the shells touching each other. Alternatively, keep the tubers in a box with dry sand, peat dust, or straw Sawdust. Only after the ice saints plants Take the tubers out of their place.

Do not let the tubers dry out

If the bulbs of a Japanese wonder flower overwinter in a room with high humidity, winter care is limited to repeated turning. If, on the other hand, there is dry room air in the winter quarters, spray the root tubers every 2 to 3 weeks with a fine mist of soft water so that they do not dry out completely.


If there is no suitable space for winter quarters, harvest the pea-sized seeds of your Japanese wonder flower. the sowing can be done very easily on the bright, warm windowsill, so that you can plant vital young plants in the garden in May.

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