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Keep fresh dill in the refrigerator

Be at room temperature harvested Dill tips and herbs often wilt within a day and lose their typical aroma. Storage in the refrigerator can extend the possible storage time for fresh dill to around one to three weeks. For that there are different possibilities:

  • Wrap the dill pieces whole in foil or put them in storage jars in the refrigerator
  • put a bunch of dill in a water glass in the refrigerator
  • Wrap the dill in damp towels and store in a cool place
  • Mix the chopped dill with plenty of salt and store in a cool place

also read

  • Longer shelf life for fresh dill
  • Freeze the dill to preserve the flavor during storage
  • Harvest dill and use it in the kitchen

If you can already see that you will get the amount of dill harvested not in the short term to process can, then they are dry and the Freeze des dill the better choice.

Freeze the dill properly

Before freezing, you can remove any adhering dust from the whole dill tips with cold water and then carefully pat dry with a kitchen towel. For pickling salmon or similar uses, you can freeze whole dill tips in one piece. If, on the other hand, you intend to use the dill for marinades, soups and salads, freezing dill that has already been chopped may be the more practical option. Chopped dill is often frozen in ice cube trays with a little water, as it gives off its strong aroma to other foods in the freezer compartment.

The drying of dill

When drying dill, a distinction must be made between drying the dill tips and herbs and drying the dill seeds. Since the dill leaves lose a lot of their taste when drying, it is for theirs Preservation rather that Freeze preferable. Bundling small bunches of dill, including the fully ripe flower umbels, is a good way of doing this when they are dried, hung upside down in paper bags, the coveted dill seeds to catch.

Tips & Tricks

If you've washed in dill with some bay leaves and peppercorns for about three weeks Let the rapeseed oil steep, you get delicious dill oil for refining cucumber salad and Fish dishes.


The garden journal freshness-ABC

How can fruit & vegetables be stored correctly so that they stay fresh as long as possible?

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