Here's how you go about it

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No magic formula in sight

Fighting a Waterweed in the aquarium is a project that takes time but can be mastered. The plant is cut back accordingly. at Waterweed in the pond it looks more difficult, however, because here we are dealing with other dimensions and requirements.

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  • Increase waterweed - you will definitely succeed!
  • Planting waterweed - this is how it's done!
  • Cutting waterweed - this slows down strong growth

Most of the waterweed plants could be removed from the water, but the small pieces that break off and remain in the water multiply soon become new, independent plants. This is the main challenge of the fight.

Remove waterweed manually

The spread of the waterweed can be suppressed by extensive cutting measures. The complete distance, however, is more difficult to achieve. Use an herb rake to remove the water weed as completely as possible.

So that no new water pest forest can form from small remnants, you should shade the pond and such the water temperature reduce. Warm water is a great fuel for growth. The nutrient content must also remain low.

Fertilize They are cautious and do not use nutrient-rich soil for plantings.

Let the pond dry out

If the pond is without water, the removal of the waterweed can be more comprehensive. A frosty period at this time also helps to get rid of the plague. In the case of smaller ponds, the effort is also limited.

Chemical pesticides

In the case of chemical agents, an up-to-date check must be made every time to see whether they are approved for domestic use. But they should only be considered in exceptional cases.

  • Chemistry also reaches other plants and living things in the pond
  • these can become impaired or even die off
  • the ecological balance is also upset

Grass carp as a waterweed eater

It is always recommended to use grass carp in larger ponds against waterweed. They eat the plants and thus contribute to their decimation. But the success is never so resounding that the waterweed regenerates again and again. Other aquatic plants that are also part of the diet of this fish species can also suffer from it.


Be cautious about this Planting from waterweed. The plant grows so rampant that you can inadvertently create a problem for yourself.