Perennial bed in a sunny, dry location

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Create the sunny, dry herbaceous bed

Sunny shrub beds are often designed as rock gardens: flowering shrubs alternate with pretty ornamental grasses and decorative stones. The earth is then covered with pebbles. This protects against dehydration and weeds.
In general, it makes sense to plant beds in sunny, dry locations mulchto keep the moisture in the soil. Carpet perennials can also take on this function.

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The most beautiful perennials for the sunny, dry perennial bed

Perennial name Flower color Heyday particularities
Alpine aster Purple to pink July to September Wild form under nature protection
Balkan corkbill pink May to June Carpet plant
Balloon flower Purple, white or bluish in color August In the blazing sun, the flowers can turn slightly discolored
Beard thread Red, white, purple, pink July to September Evergreen, often annual
Mountain mint White or pink May to August Strong smell, long flowering period
Scented nettle Purple or white July to September Smells beguiling, long flowering time
Noble thistle (man litter) Bluish, purple June to October (depending on the variety) Thistle-like
Torch lily Red Yellow June to October Flame-like flower
Feather carnation White, pink, red April to July Spring-loaded petals
Caucasian germander Mostly pink to purple June to October Very rich in flowers, long flowering period
Grass lily White Depending on the variety Native wild shrub
Junker lily yellow May to June Wintergreen
Carthusian carnation Strong pink June to September Pain relieving medicinal herb
Mullein Yellow, pink, purple etc. July to September Only two years
Pasque flower Red, purple, white March to April Silvery seed pods
lavender Violet, rarely white Depending on the variety Strongly fragrant
Myrtle aster White or pale pink or purple September to October Flower-rich carpet
Adderhead Reddish, bluish May to August Wild shrub
Ox eye yellow May to September Native meadow plant
Mock sun hat Orange, pink, purple, etc. July to September Radiant flowers
Sun rose Available in many strong colors May until October Long flowering period, dwarf shrub
Spurflower Pink, red, purple etc. June to September, second flowering possible Tall growing
Hollyhock Mostly pink July to September, depending on the variety Grows to a height of 2 meters
thyme White, pink April to June Fragrant culinary herbs
Verbena White, pink, purple etc. May to frost Very long flowering period
Scabious Red, pink, purple June to September, depending on the variety Long flowering period
Ornamental onion Purple or white April to September Beautiful, spherical inflorescences