The best care for an abundant harvest

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How should tomato plants be watered?

The more evenly tomatoes are poured, the more stable they develop. Taking into account the weather, temperatures and soil conditions, the root ball should be kept constantly moist. Waterlogging is to be avoided at all costs. At the same time, the above-ground parts of the plant must be protected from any moisture. to water Therefore, never plant tomatoes over the flowers and leaves, but always directly at the roots.

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  • This is how you prop up tomato plants for a stable hold
  • Why do tomato plants droop their leaves?
  • When should tomato plants be fertilized?

Which fertilizer covers the nutritional needs?

In the second week after planting out, the targeted supply of nutrients begins. Fertilize You tomato plants with organic fertilizer, such as compost, Horn shavings(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) or Nettle manure. Treat tomatoes in pots on the balcony with organic liquid fertilizer.

How does it work?

Regular Skimming directs the plant energy into large fruits instead of branching growth. This is how you do it:

  • Remove stinging shoots in the leaf axils from a length of 3-5 centimeters
  • Grip between your thumb and forefinger and snap it off
  • this maintenance measure throughout season perform several times a week

Can tomato plants be cut?

The vast majority of Varieties of tomatoes should be cultivated with one to two shoots to ensure a plentiful harvest of plump fruits. Therefore, at the beginning of the cultivation, select the main shoot (s) and route them to one Climbing aid To heaven. If further shoots and leaves flourish below the first umbel, they are immediately removed as undesirable competition.

  • Do not compete with the main stem cut offbut break out
  • Leave 4-5 fruit-bearing branches on the main shoot and snap off all others with your fingers

What diseases and pests threaten tomato plants?

The professional care of tomato plants also serves to ward off these dreaded ones Diseases:

  • Brown rot
  • Flower end rot
  • Green collar
  • mildew

The more vital and robust the tomatoes, the less attractive they are to them Pests Tomato leaf miners, rust mites, whiteflies or thrips. If there is an infestation, a whole arsenal of effective pesticides is available on a natural basis.

Can tomato plants overwinter?

In its South American homeland, the tomato thrives for several years. Given the frosty winter, the plant has no chance of one in our regions wintering outdoors. The feat can still succeed on the warm windowsill or in the heated greenhouse. Smaller cocktail tomatoes and robust tomatoes are preferred Wild tomatoes.

Tips & Tricks

If tomatoes are exposed to the weather without protection, cultivation has little chance of success. Already a simple one roof As rain protection, the harvest of aromatic tomatoes is within reach. Ideally, you build the exotics in Glasshouse that you can build yourself with a little manual skill.