How to drive them away with fragrances

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What essential scents wasps abhor

Ethereal scents are intense, but mostly extremely pleasant for our human noses. Some of them, on the other hand, can't stand wasps at all. They generally have an aversion to citrus, herbaceous and bitter smells. Wasp-repelling essential oils are accordingly, for example:

  • Lavender oil
  • Basil oil
  • Lemongrass Oil (Citronella)
  • Clove oil

also read

  • How basil helps against wasps
  • How does lemon help against wasps?
  • How citronella works against wasps

How are the oils used?

Essential oils can be used against wasps in a number of ways. For example through:

  • Let it evaporate in the fragrance lamp
  • Spray over water disperser
  • Rub in furniture and possible nesting sites
  • Rub in your own body

Fragrance lamp

A classic fragrance lamp effectively releases the aromatic substances of the oils and diffuses them into the air. A positive side effect of this method is the open flame. Fire and smoke also have a wasp-repelling effect.

Water disperser

You can also mix some oil with water and apply it into the air using a spray disperser. The practical thing about this method is that it can be used in a targeted manner and depending on the situation, i.e. when the wasps actually come.

Rub in furniture and possible nesting sites

In order to be able to linger in peace at the seating area in the gazebo, it can also help to rub the furniture with essential oil. It is best taken up by wooden furniture. In places that wasp queens could choose to nest in the spring - such as niches in the roof beams - essential oil can also have a deterrent effect.

Rub yourself

If you absolutely cannot have it when a wasp perches on your arm, you can rub yourself with the oil. However, it is important for allergy sufferers to dilute the oil beforehand.

When essential oils don't help

The wasp-repelling effect of essential oils is there, but only to a limited extent. In certain situations, their fragrances cannot do anything. For example, at the dining table full of sweet and savory delicacies or with existing nests.