Watering, fertilizing, cutting and more

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Important maintenance measures

  • to water
  • Fertilize
  • Cut
  • wintering
  • Pest control

Pouring behavior

Keep the substrate of the harlequin willow constantly moist. The ornamental tree needs a high supply of water. If you have just put your harlequin willow in the ground, you will need to water the plant regularly. However, if you give the plant too much water, this is reflected in the brown tip of the shoot. If you adjust the water supply to the species-appropriate level, this feature regulates itself.

also read

  • Treat and prevent brown leaves on the harlequin pasture
  • Propagate harlequin willow
  • What to do when the harlequin willow dries up?

Fertilizer application

Fertilize Your harlequin pasture once a year. The correct date is the time before the new growth. Again, you should pay attention to a milder dosage. Depending on the state of growth, a second fertilization is possible in the course of the year.

Cut back

A pruning is essential when caring for the harlequin willow.

  • You avoid complete wilderness
  • The plant retains its attractive crown shape
  • They prevent the branches from becoming lignified
  • The crown grows thicker and bushier

The latter point occurs especially when pruning in spring. You need to consider the following aspects when cutting harlequin willow:

  • No sun exposure
  • No frost
  • Remove brown shoots and diseased branches
  • It is better to shorten the branches radically than too little
  • Trim healthy branches by two-thirds of the length
  • Thin out the crown
  • Bring the crown into the shape you want
  • Never cut into the grafted trunk


A planted harlequin willow does not need frost protection. You should only cover the pot with a layer of mulch when keeping it in a bucket. It is not advisable to spend the winter in the house.

Pest control

By regularly examining the leaves of the harlequin willow for symptoms of disease, you can prevent an infestation. As a rule, however, the plant is very robust against pests.

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