Stimulate the dragon tree to new shoots

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Putrid roots and a dying crown of leaves

Are dragon trees not considered Hydroponics, but in Earthgroomedso it comes from excessive to water often to rot and death of roots and other parts of plants. If this is the case, it can usually be smelled clearly at an early stage. As soon as individual parts of the plant have advanced signs of putrefaction, a dragon tree cannot be opened easily save. It then requires extremely radical measures if such a plant is not complete enter target.

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Use the upper part of the dragon tree as a cutting

Simply turning back the watering is enough, as is a quick one Repot not enough to save a dragon tree with already rotten roots. As with the Propagation of the dragon tree proceed and the thin stem with a clean Secateurs in the middle cut through. The head cuttings obtained in this way can then be placed in water or special Plant substrate

let root. During these weeks, the cutting should be placed in the shade as possible and with high humidity.

Force new shoots through radical pruning

On the continuous "trunk" of a dragon tree, new shoots usually do not form below the top of the leaf. However, it may be necessary to cut off the upper part of the dragon tree and all of its leaves for the following reasons:

  • at Diseases
  • at far-reaching The leaves turn brown after massive Sun damage
  • as a measure in favor of a more compact one Growth habit

If the cut is made with sharp secateurs and then good groomed, new shoots form just below the interface within a few weeks.


The targeted pruning with the aim of forming new shoots is often used in dragon trees to create stronger ones branch to force the plants.