Propagate Dieffenbachia via offshoots

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The right time

In principle, you can take cuttings all year round. But these form roots faster when the Dieffenbachia is in the growth phase. So cut seedlings preferably in spring or summer.

also read

  • Shortening a Dieffenbachia - how should I proceed?
  • The correct pruning of Dieffenbachia
  • The right location for the Dieffenbachia

Cut offshoots

There are two types of offshoots that root well in Dieffenbachia. These are:

  • Head cuttings: Cut off the tip of a shoot, about ten to fifteen centimeters long, with a sharp knife.
  • Shoot cuttings: The Dieffenbachia forms small side shoots (Kindel), which can be further cared for independently from the mother plant.

Rooting in a glass of water

Place the cuttings in a small vase and fill about 1.5 to 2 centimeters of water. The liquid must not cover the eyes under any circumstances, recognizable by the slight thickening of the trunk, because the plant is supposed to sprout leaves here later.

Put a transparent bag over the vessel and place it in a bright, shady place. Ventilate daily and top up with a little water if necessary.

Putting in soil

Within a few weeks, roots around ten centimeters long have formed on the offshoots. Now put the offspring in soil and continue to care for the small Dieffenbachia like the mother plant.

Place cuttings directly in the substrate

This method also works well:

  • Small potty with special cultivation or Potting soil to fill.
  • Moisten the substrate well and insert cuttings into it.
  • Here, too, care must be taken to ensure that at least one eye is not covered with earth.
  • Cover with a translucent plastic bag.
  • Ventilate daily to prevent mold growth.
  • Keep it evenly moist, but do not over-wet, otherwise there is a risk of rot.

When the first fresh leaves show, you know that your efforts have been successful. Now you can remove the bag and continue to care for the small plants as usual.


If the freshly cut cutting has a lot of leaf mass, it is advisable to cut off the lower leaves. This means that the offshoot does not have to absorb as much water and takes root much faster.

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