How hardy is it?

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Panicle hydrangeas tolerate frosty temperatures

The hardy ones Panicle hydrangeas withstand adverse temperatures and even ice and snow. If their shoots freeze down in winter, that is not really tragic, after all, the bushes sprout again in spring. However, driving them out again can be made more difficult as soon as all parts above ground are frozen away. For this reason, it is advisable to also use the Panicle hydrangea to be provided with winter protection. For this purpose, you can use brushwood and fir or spruce branches and cover the root area with bark mulch or the like. ä. mulch.

also read

  • For good growth and magnificent flowers: properly care for panicle hydrangeas
  • Panicle hydrangeas bloom late
  • Panicle hydrangeas: Different varieties with strong growth and large flower panicles

Blossom is not endangered by frost

In contrast to Farm hydrangea the frost cannot harm a panicle hydrangea, after all, it flowers only on the young, this year's shoots. In addition, the old wood cut out in spring anyway

. It only becomes dangerous if the plant grows very early due to a very sunny location or mild temperatures Budding is animated and finally by late frosts - especially around the time of the ice saints in mid-May - is surprised. In this case, the fresh shoots with the new flower buds freeze and the flower can fail. The resourceful gardener therefore ensures appropriate protection in the event of the threat of late frosts.

Protect young specimens

Many young plants are very sensitive to frosts, and the panicle hydrangea is no exception. Therefore, very young specimens - for example in the first and perhaps also in the second year of standing - should preferably overwinter under cold house conditions and under no circumstances remain outdoors. If necessary, you should dig up the shrub again and continue to care for it in a bucket.

Hibernate panicle hydrangeas properly in the pot

Older ones Specimens in larger pots can, provided they are provided with protective mats, usually overwinter outdoors without any problems. For this purpose, place them in a sheltered location, e.g. B. on a house wall that radiates heat. However, if the planter is smaller than about 40 to 50 centimeters in diameter, the potted hydrangea should be in the house, in the apartment or, if necessary, in the garage or overwinter in the basement. The environment should be frost-free, but cool and bright. However, the lack of brightness can be remedied with the help of a Plant lamp(€ 65.50 at Amazon *) remedy. Winter temperatures between 2 and 5 ° C are ideal.

Tips & Tricks

Panicle hydrangeas must also in winter watered from time to time fertilization is not necessary.