This is how the sowing succeeds

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Sowing directly in the field

The thorn apple also thrives in the Penumbra, bushier and taller, it grows in as sunny a corner of the garden as possible. Depending on the weather it is sowing Possible directly outdoors from April or May, and should also be used for a successful flowering of the annual plant should be sown no later than June. So that the thorn apple can assert itself as a young plant outdoors, the planted place Be as open as possible and free from vigorous nutrient and light competitors. Particularly when cultivating in pots on the terrace, it is important to ensure that the plant substrate is evenly moisturized during the germination phase. With increasing age, the thorn apple is later also quite insensitive to certain dry phases.

also read

  • The blossom of the thorn apple
  • Plant the thorn apple in your own garden
  • The thorn apple: poisonous but still valued as a garden plant

Prefer the thorn apple from seeds indoors

When the thorn apple germinates, the following environmental factors have a beneficial effect on germination:

  • warm temperatures around 20 degrees Celsius
  • permeable plant substrate like Potting soil or coconut fiber
  • consistently high moisture levels

If you want to start the gardening season with the most vigorous young plants possible, you can move the thorn apple on the windowsill from February. A cover with foil makes it easier to care for the seedlings, whereby they should be aired every two to three days to protect them from the formation of mold. Before you put the seeds about an inch deep into it Growing substrate(€ 12.99 at Amazon *) you can let them soak in warm water overnight.

Take care when storing the seeds

Not only the leaves, roots and all other plant parts of the thorn apple are poisonous, the seeds also contain a high amount Concentration of toxins. Therefore, the seeds of the annual plants should be sorted according to the harvest be kept safe and denied any potential access by children. Medical or intoxicating uses are also strongly discouraged, as even small amounts can be fatal.


Since the germination of the thorn apple seeds can take up to 20 days, a special growing medium should be used or an appropriately prepared garden soil that is free from germinable "weed seeds" is.