The top 3 recommendations and buying guides

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Our recommendations

DÜNGME organic universal fertilizer with long-term effect, 100% vegetable & organic, plant fertilizer, for vigorous plant growth, harmless for children and pets, natural fertilizer for healthy soils, 5kgour recommendation
DÜNGME organic universal fertilizer with long-term effect, 100% vegetable & organic, plant fertilizer, for vigorous plant growth, harmless for children and pets, natural fertilizer for healthy soils, 5kg

19.99 EURTo the product

Art organic
consistency Pellets (solid)
Bio Yes
Shares NPK 2 % – 1,5 % – 5,5 %
Capacity 5 kg
Price / kg approx. {PRICE / 5} EUR

The reviewers at Amazon are enthusiastic about the DÜNGME organic universal fertilizer. As for the quality and impact on the plants, there is nothing but praise from the buyers and users of the product. They also name the plastic-free packaging, easy dosing and the low price for value as special advantages.

COMPO flower fertilizer with guano for all indoor, balcony and terrace plants, special liquid fertilizer, 5 litersour recommendation
COMPO flower fertilizer with guano for all indoor, balcony and terrace plants, special liquid fertilizer, 5 liters

EUR 24.99To the product

Art organic-mineral
consistency fluid
Bio no
Shares NPK 4 % – 5 % – 6 %
Capacity 5 l
Price / l approx. {PRICE / 5} EUR

With the organic-mineral Flower fertilizer(€ 71.80 at Amazon *)

from COMPO you are always on the safe side if you can trust the Amazon reviewers. The very even proportions of the main elements and the simple application speak for the liquid fertilizer. And what is most important: the flowers flourish - quote - "splendid".

Dehner bloom magic special fertilizer, 1 kg, for approx. 1,000 lour recommendation
Dehner bloom magic special fertilizer, 1 kg, for approx. 1,000 l

8.99 EURTo the product

Art mineral
consistency granulated
Bio no
Shares NPK 15 % – 10 % – 10 %
Capacity 1 kg
Price / kg approx. {PRICE / 1} EUR

The high NPK concentration of Dehner's special fertilizer is impressive. This ensures that flowering plants bloom as beautifully as possible. Many reviewers on Amazon confirm this. Although the price per kilo is significantly higher than the other two recommendations in our comparison, the Flower fertilizer but also by far the best composition. But: Since the fertilizer is mineral, you should not use it excessively - this could damage the soil in the long term.

Purchase criteria


One distinguishes

  • organic,
  • mineral and
  • organic-mineral

Flower fertilizer.

Organic flower fertilizers: They are considered "natural fertilizers". The nutrients cannot be used immediately by the plants, but must first be removed from their organic structure by them or the soil. Only then are the substances available for the roots to take up. Many chemical reactions in the earth are involved in the "solution process". This is why organic fertilizers take longer to work. But the effect lasts longer. Attention: If there is an acute nutrient deficiency, organic flower fertilizers are not suitable!

Mineral flower fertilizers: In these, the nutrients from fossil deposits are broken down and are therefore already contained in their "pure" form. The "nutrient salt" works faster - that is, the nutrients are released more quickly. Another advantage: This type of flower fertilizer usually costs less than organic flower fertilizer. It is particularly useful as a starter fertilizer and in the event of acute nutrient deficiency. The disadvantages of this type of fertilizer: Risk of over-fertilization, only short-term effects, sometimes toxic.

Organic-mineral flower fertilizer: These are composed of both types of fertilizer and thus combine the advantages - suppressing the respective disadvantages. One could also speak of the “golden mean”.


Flower fertilizers come in liquid and solid (granulated) form.

Liquid fertilizer: Simply mix this into the irrigation water and feed it to the respective plants. Advantage: particularly simple to use. Disadvantage: relatively frequent, continuous Fertilize necessary.

Granular fertilizer: You work this directly into the potting soil. Advantage: only needs to be fertilized every six months (long-term fertilizer). Disadvantage: careful dosing and thorough, even incorporation is essential.


There are also powder and pellet variants of solid fertilizers, which you can often simply dissolve in irrigation water.

Organic quality

We recommend buying organic quality flower fertilizers. There are two main arguments in favor of this: On the one hand, with organic flower fertilizers, you can be sure that it does not contain any (health) harmful substances; on the other hand, any pets have nothing to fear even if they should lick the flower fertilizer.

Undergreen by Compo Jungle Fever, food for all green plants in the room or on the balcony, organic liquid fertilizer, 400 mlour recommendation
Undergreen by Compo Jungle Fever, food for all green plants in the room or on the balcony, organic liquid fertilizer, 400 ml

7.99 EURTo the product


The most important substances for plants are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The trade has fertilizers with different compositions ready. One differentiates roughly:

  • Complete fertilizer (NPK fertilizers * - contain all three of the substances mentioned above)
  • Dual nutrient fertilizers (contain two of the substances mentioned above)
  • Straight fertilizers (contain one of the substances mentioned above)

* The letters N, P and K stand for nitrogen (chemical element symbol = N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K).

Complete fertilizers are the best and preferably used flower fertilizers. But: If a plant does not necessarily need one or two of the substances extra, the gardener can also rely on a two-nutrient or single-nutrient fertilizer. The latter is in great demand when it comes to combating an acute nutritional deficiency.

Substral Naturen organic plant food, purely plant-based, vegan universal liquid fertilizer for ornamental plants, fruit & vegetables in the tub on the balcony, terrace and garden, 2 liter canisterour recommendation
Substral Naturen organic plant food, purely plant-based, vegan universal liquid fertilizer for ornamental plants, fruit & vegetables in the tub on the balcony, terrace and garden, 2 liter canister

15.49 EURTo the product

The percentage distribution of the three main components varies from fertilizer to fertilizer. It does not necessarily have to be very large. The individual nutritional requirements of each plant decide how much of which element it should contain. It is best to check whether the respective fertilizer is explicitly recommended for your type of plant.


  • In granular fertilizers, the content of the three substances mentioned is always higher than in liquid fertilizers. This is because they are given less often.
  • Rule of thumb: nitrogen-based fertilizer for plants that should grow well and where the leaves are in the foreground (“green manure”); Phosphorus fertilizers for plants that are supposed to bloom and produce fruit ("bloom fertilizer").


Of course: the more flower fertilizer the respective container holds, the longer you can get by with it. In addition, the price per liter often becomes cheaper as the quantity increases.

But: In the end, the decisive factor is always the quality of the fertilizer. Better to use less high-quality flower fertilizer than a lot of lower-quality flower fertilizer. This means that you should not prefer the most plump, but the best compounded fertilizer.

frequently asked Questions

What is flower fertilizer?

Flower fertilizer is a liquid or granular agent that provides plants with exactly the nutrients they need.

In addition to universal fertilizers, there are also special fertilizers that are tailored to the specific needs of certain (groups of plants): for example Orchid fertilizer, Rose fertilizer,(€ 11.49 at Amazon *) Rhododendron fertilizer et cetera.

What substances is flower fertilizer made of?

The main components of flower fertilizer are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Their most important tasks at a glance:

  • Nitrogen: promotes plant growth
  • Phosphorus: important for the formation of roots, shoots, flowers and fruits, increases the drought resistance and winter hardiness of the plants
  • Potassium: strengthens the cell walls, makes plants less susceptible to disease, promotes a solid water balance

In addition, flower fertilizer contains calcium, magnesium, sulfur, partly iron and trace elements.

For which plants is flower fertilizer suitable?

In principle, you can use flower fertilizer for any of your indoor, balcony and bedding plants. Depending on their specific composition, they are better for some plants, but less suitable for others. Always take into account the information / recommendations of the manufacturer.

How often do I have to feed my plants with flower fertilizer?

This depends on the one hand on the type of fertilizer and on the other hand on the plants. Most liquid fertilizer manufacturers recommend using them every one to four weeks. In contrast, granular fertilizer is normally only incorporated every six months, as it is a long-term flower fertilizer.

Important: Basically, you should only fertilize your plants within or during the growing season (from March to September).


How do I recognize nutrient deficiencies in my plants?

Depending on the specific defect, different identifying features appear:

Plant grows extremely slowly? It has very small, lighter leaves that may be yellowish in color? Do the leaves dry up and fall off? Is fruit formation visibly restricted (which also negatively affects the yield and fruit quality)? In all of these cases there is probably a nitrogen deficiency.

Does the plant seem to remain small over the long term? Are the leaves discoloring? Then a phosphorus deficiency can be responsible.

Are you discovering brown leaf margins and tips? Is the plant ailing? There may be a potassium deficiency.


If it turns out that your plant suffers from a certain deficiency, you should treat it specifically with an appropriate single fertilizer.

Caution: You can overfertilize plants. So don't overdo it, because too much of a good thing is also harmful!

Which brands offer high quality flower fertilizers?

Many well-known brands produce high-quality flower fertilizers. These include, for example:

  • Substral
  • Stretcher

Where is the best place to buy flower fertilizer?

You can find high-quality flower fertilizers in specialist garden centers, flower shops and hardware stores. However, you have the largest selection at Amazon.

How much does flower fertilizer cost?

Depending on the type, consistency, composition, quality, filling quantity and manufacturer, flower fertilizer usually costs between five and ten euros per liter.