When, how and why?

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Extend the flowering period

The main reason to cut daisies is to extend the flowering time. If you keep removing the withered flowers, the Daisy new flower buds out by autumn. Then the Heyday last from the beginning of June to October.

also read

  • Marguerite - Tips for a long flowering period
  • Marguerite: poisonous or harmless?
  • Wintering the Bornholm Marguerite - procedure

Two options: single cuts or radical cuts

Take a pair of sharp scissors and place them under the old calyxes. Snap! One pass per week should be enough. Alternatively, you can cut back the entire marguerite by a third towards the end of July / beginning of August. This, too, causes a subsequent flow of flowers.

Promote or prevent self-sowing?

If you don't remove the old flowers, the seeds will emerge. That sucks a lot of strength from a daisy. Therefore, such a step should be considered carefully. Often self-sowing occurs as a result of the seed formation.

Receiving cuttings for propagation

Another reason to visit the marguerite with scissors is to use cuttings to propagate it. This is how it works:

  • with shrub daisies
  • in late summer
  • Cut off 10 to 12 cm long shoots at an angle
  • possibly. remove lower leaves and flowers
  • in Potting soil put
  • Keep the substrate moist
  • Place in a partially shaded to shady, but warm place
  • Rooting time: 4 to 6 weeks

Make the growth bushier

In addition, with the right pruning, you can make the daisy grow more bushy. To do this, simply cut the young plants frequently. They then grow more branched and denser and also receive more flower approaches.

Prepare for wintering

Please note:

  • in autumn before the first frost
  • Cut down to 10 cm above the ground
  • then overwinter
  • Remove yellow, dried up leaves continuously
  • sprouts new in spring
  • It is better not to cut daisies in the tub in autumn (shoots serve as protection)


Since daisies contain a contact allergen, you should be careful when cutting if you have sensitive skin Gardening gloves wear.