Watering, fertilizing, cutting and more

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How do you water the efeutute properly?

Use lime-free water for watering. Rainwater is ideal, but water from the aquarium is also ideal.

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  • Why does the ivy get yellow leaves?
  • In indoor culture, the Efeutute does not develop a flower
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Do not keep the efeutute too moist. It is only poured when the surface of the substrate has dried out two centimeters deep. The root ball must never be completely dry.

Pour away excess irrigation water after half an hour at the latest. Alternatively, you can put water in the coaster and let it soak up the substrate. Repeat this process until the water remains in the coaster. Pour it off.

How high should the humidity be?

As a tropical plant, the Efeutute does not like it too dry. A humidity of 50 to 65 percent is ideal. If the air is too dry, the leaf tips of the ivy turn brown and dry up.

How are efeututen fertilized?

From March to October the Efeutute is supplied with liquid fertilizer every two to three weeks. Stick to the manufacturer's instructions and go overboard with the Fertilize not.

Does the efeutute have to be cut?

That Cutting the Efeutute is possible all year round. The houseplant is easy to cut. The best time for pruning is early spring.

The shoots are shortened by a maximum of two-thirds with scissors.

When is repotting necessary?

As soon as the pot is completely rooted, you should transplant the efeutute. Choose a pot that is about two to three centimeters more in diameter.

Shake or rinse off the old substrate. Cut off any dead roots and place the plant in fresh substrate.

After this Repot the Efeutute does not tolerate direct sunlight so well. Place them a little more light-protected for three weeks.

Which diseases and pests can occur?

Illnesses rarely occur. On the other hand, there are some pests that mainly occur when the animals are kept poorly:

  • Mealybugs
  • Spider mites
  • Thrips

If the leaves are discolored, you should always check the ods for pests and take countermeasures immediately.

How is the efeutute cared for in winter?

Efeututen are not hardy and are kept in the room all year round. In the period from October to March the plant gets a little less water. But it must not dry out completely. There is no fertilization in winter.


If the efeutute gets yellow leaves, it may be jaundice (chlorosis). It is caused by too much lime in the substrate or by calcareous irrigation water. Occasionally, too much light is responsible for the yellow coloration.