These 15 flowers are hardy & perennial

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Unlike annual flowers, perennials are perennial. They stay in one location for many years and play an important role in the design of rock gardens and flower beds. Native perennials are usually more robust than the highly cultivated annual flowering plants and more resistant to diseases and pests. Most perennials don't even mind frost. We present 15 hardy flowering perennials for your garden.

Perennial species

Perennials are perennial, herbaceous plants. In contrast to bushes and shrubs, the above-ground parts of the plant do not lignify. Every year perennials form a new flower. The perennials include:

  • Bed perennials
  • Ground cover shrubs
  • Ferns
  • Grasses

Perennials are suitable for permanent planting of rock gardens, flower beds, pond edges and raised beds.

Perennials in winter

Most varieties are hardy. Even the withered leaves do not have to be removed, they provide additional protection in frosty temperatures. In winter, the above-ground parts die off. They say the plants withdraw. They overwinter in tubers, onions or in the runners of the shoot, the rhizomes.

Perennials form overwintering buds, from which new shoots take place over and over again. Some species remain green all winter.

Tip: Even hardy perennials need moisture in winter. Water the plants again before the frost starts.

Perennial flowering perennials

Gardens in which the colors of the bedding plants and their heights are harmoniously coordinated have a very decorative effect. To make it easier for you to choose, we have put together perennial flowers according to their height, color and location.

Low perennials (up to 30 centimeters)

Blue rush lily(Sisyrinchium angustifolium)

  • Flower color: blue to purple
  • Height: 10 to 20 centimeters
  • Flowering period: May to September
  • Location: sunny

Blue rush lily (Sisyrinchium angustifolium)The blue rush lily is an extremely robust summer bloomer. It survives the heat in summer and the frost in winter unscathed. It is evergreen and also decorative outside of the flowering period. The rush lily is very suitable for rock gardens and low border plantings. Its blue to purple star-shaped flowers look just adorable.

Red heather carnation

(Dianthus deltoides)
  • Flower color: red
  • Height: 10 to 15 centimeters
  • Flowering period: June to August
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded

Red heather carnation (Dianthus deltoides)The carmine-red blooming heather carnation is naturally threatened with extinction. It is on the red list of endangered species. It is all the more important to keep this beautiful carnation in the garden. The heather carnation is ideal for rock gardens and low border plantings.

Yellow anemone(Anemone ranunculoides)

  • Flower color: yellow
  • Height: 15 to 20 centimeters
  • Flowering period: April to May
  • Location: partially shaded

Yellow anemone (Anemone ranunculoides)The yellow anemone makes the hearts of garden lovers beat faster because it heralds the beginning of flowering in the garden. The low anemone flower cuts a fine figure as a bedding plant next to red tulips.

Cockade flower(Gaillardia)

  • Flower color: red, orange
  • Height: 20 to 30 centimeters
  • Flowering period: June to September
  • Location: sunny

Cockade flower (Gaillardia)The cockade flower is also known as the parrot or painter's flower. It is very popular with hobby gardeners as a summer bloomer with large red flowers. It doesn't need winter protection and just comes back next year. A regular cut stimulates the formation of new flowers.

Medium-high perennials (30 to 60 centimeters)

Scented Funkie(Hosta plantaginea)

  • Flower color: white
  • Height: 30 to 50 centimeters
  • Flowering period: June to August
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded

Scented Funkia (Hosta plantaginea)Scented hostas spread a pleasant scent while they are in bloom. Even outside of the flowering period, some varieties are very nice to look at with their decoratively patterned leaves. They are suitable for raised beds and for border plantings. Other hostas are:

  • Dwarf Funkia (Hosta minor), flower color: purple
  • Blue-leaved hostas (Hosta Sieboldiana, var. Big Daddy), flower color: white
  • Korea Funkia (Hosta clausor), flower color: purple

Summer marguerite(Leucanthemum)

  • Flower color: white
  • Height: 30 to 60 centimeters
  • Flowering period: June to August
  • Location: sunny

Marguerites - LeucanthemumMarguerites are the classics among the perennial shrubs. The white, large-flowered summer marguerite impresses with its magnificent flowers, which are extremely attractive to butterflies and insects. Other daisies are:

  • Greenland Marguerite (Arctanthemum arcticum, var. roseum), flower color: pink
  • Edelweiss marguerite (Leucanthemum maximum), flower color: white
  • Red daisy (Tanacetum coccineum), flower color: red

Mountain knapweed(Centaurea montana)

  • Flower color: blue
  • Height: 30 to 40 centimeters
  • Flowering period: May to June
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded

Mountain knapweed (Centaurea montana)The mountain knapweed is very similar to the cornflower. Both are related to each other. The mountain knapweed is absolutely hardy and will come back reliably next year without any further action on the part of the gardener. It is an important bee plant and is ideal for creating near-natural gardens.

Altai Bergenia(Bergenia cordifolia)

  • Flower color: red, pink
  • Height: 30 to 50 centimeters
  • Flowering period: April to May
  • Location: sunny to shady

Altai bergenia (Bergenia cordifolia)The bergenia, also called saxifrage, fits in every garden. The Altai bergenia is considered to be one of the first known species. Due to its large, red-veined, leathery leaves, it is also very decorative outside of the flowering period. Other Bergenia are:

  • Bergenia Snow Queen, flower color: white
  • Little Bergenia Baby Doll, flower color: light pink

Soft lady's mantle(Alchemilla mollis)

  • Flower color: yellow
  • Height: 40 to 50 centimeters
  • Flowering period: June to July
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded

Lady's mantle - AlchemillaLady's mantle is a popular garden plant. Rose lovers in particular are reluctant to do without the uncomplicated perennial plant, because lady's mantle is the perfect partner for bed roses. The soft lady's mantle with its hairy, velvety leaves also adorns the bed outside of the flowering period.

Tip: A clear cut back after flowering can lead to a second flowering in lady's mantle.

Tall perennials (60 to 100 centimeters)

Splendid spar(Astilbe arendsii)

  • Flower color: white
  • Height: 60 to 70 centimeters
  • Flowering period: June to July
  • Location: shady to partially shaded

Splendor spar (Astilbe arendsii)The white flowering astilbe arendsii, the so-called "bridal veil", is a wonderful flower for shady areas. With their feathery flower panicles, which consist of countless star-shaped mini-flowers, they cut a fine figure both on the bed and in the vase. Other astilbes are:

  • Lance spear (Astilbe chinensis, var. taquetii), flower color: pink
  • Dwarf wood spar (Astilbe chinensis, var. pumila) Flower color: pink

Note: All astilbes need a nutrient-rich soil, a lot of moisture and cannot tolerate any


Yarrow(Achillea filipendulina)

  • Flower color: light yellow
  • Height: 60 to 80 centimeters
  • Flowering period: June to September
  • Location: sunny

Golden Sheaf - Achillea filipendulinaThe yarrow has large, decorative flowers. It looks great on the raised bed in combination with blue blooming flowers such as lilies or lavender. It is suitable as a cut flower and can be dried well. Bees love this plant.

Garden lupins(Lupinus)

  • Flower color: red, pink
  • Height: 60 to 80 centimeters
  • Flowering period: June to August
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded

Lupine - LupinusLupins are very robust bedding plants. They thrive in the sun or in the shade, they make no demands on the soil, are hardy and perennial. There are hardly any flowers that are easier to care for. Lupins are suitable as cut flowers and last a long time in the vase. Did you know that lupins get their name from the Latin word "lupus" for "wolf"? This origin gave the lupine the nickname "wolf bean".

Peony(Paeonia lactiflora)

  • Flower colors: red, pink, white
  • Height: 60 to 90 centimeters
  • Flowering period: May to June
  • Location: sunny

Peony (Paeonia lactiflora)No cottage garden without peonies! The beautiful bushy bedding plants with their ball-shaped flowers will delight you with their blooming splendor as early as May. The plants should be cut in autumn. They are perennial and can be divided after a few years. Other peonies are:

  • Asian peony (Paeonia lactiflora, var. Bowl of Beauty), pink-cream flower color
  • Peony (Päonia lactoflora, var. Bella Rosa), flower color: pale pink

Blue bellflower(Campanula persicifolia)

  • Flower color: blue
  • Height: 80 to 90 centimeters
  • Flowering period: May to July
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded

Blue bellflower (Campanula persicifolia)Bellflowers are one of the favorite flowers in German gardens. The summer bloomers come into their own in group plantings and in combination with roses. Their bright blue bells can be seen from afar on the high stalks. Other bluebells are:

  • Carpathian bellflower (Campanula carpatica), flower color: blue
  • Dwarf bellflower (Campanula cochleariifolia), flower color: white

Flame flower(Phlox paniculata)

  • Flower color: red, pink
  • Height: 80 to 100 centimeters
  • Flowering period: June to September
  • Location: sunny

Flame flower - Phlox paniculataFlame flowers should not be missing in a flower garden. They bloom all summer, their flowers spread a pleasant scent and are ideal for the vase. Those who cut back their phlox after flowering in autumn will be rewarded with a new splendor of flowers in the coming year. More flame flowers:

  • Forest phlox (Phlox divaricata, var. laphamii), flower color: pale blue
  • Large-leaf phlox (Phlox amplifolia, var. menehaha), flower color: pink-violet

Tip: Perennials are ideal for growing in raised beds. Ensure good drainage and a nutrient-rich substrate.