Remove tree roots with a cable

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What you need for cable removal

  • spade
  • Axe
  • 2 sturdy tension belts
  • Hand control cable

In addition, there must be a very solid object within reach to which you can attach a tension belt. A thicker tree is best for this. He must be able to withstand the tension of the belt, which can be considerable.

also read

  • Milling tree roots - tips for milling
  • Small tips for preserving a tree root
  • Planting tree roots - this is how you beautify your garden

Dug tree roots free

Come first spade and ax to use. Dig up the tree root as much as possible. Try to loosen it up a bit.

Thicker roots are cut off with an ax during excavation.

Put on tension belts

A lashing strap is attached to the nearby tree or other object. Place the second lashing strap around the tree root. Make sure that it is really stuck and cannot slip off.

Connect the tensioning belts with the cable

The cable is first extended. Instructions are included with the device. Then the tension belts are pulled so that they can be connected to the cable. They are inserted into the snap hooks on the cable and secured.

The tension is continuously increased with the lever until the tree root moves out of the ground. You may have to help out with the spade and ax. Above all, you should always cut roots.

The more tension you can build, the faster the tree root should loosen from the ground.

Pay attention to safety!

Removing a tree root with a cable is not without risk. Make absolutely sure that the tension belts cannot slip off under any circumstances. The force behind the tension can lead to life-threatening injuries.

Basically, you should always carry out such work with support.


Before you cut a tree, find out if there are specific regulations in your community. Larger trees in particular may not be felled without a permit.