This is how the care of the cut succeeds

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Regularly clean withered flowers

Whenever you roam your flowering garden, you should always have one Secateurs carry with you. Marguerites bloom ceaselessly if you continuously cut off withered flowers. The sun's rays then hit fresh buds, which continue the flower festival.

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Instead of cleaning out each withered flower individually, you can cut back daisies by a few centimeters after the first pile. Strengthened with a good portion Flower fertilizer(€ 71.80 at Amazon *) drive the daisies through within a short time and put on a fresh flower dress. Annual and perennial varieties are equally capable of this floral masterpiece.

Cut garden daisies in autumn

Lavish garden daisies (Leucanthemum superbum), busy summer daisies (Leucanthemum maximum) and wild, romantic meadow daisies (Leucanthemum vulgare) thrive as hardy Perennials. After the first frost, the above-ground shoots and leaves retreat. The frost-resistant root ball hibernates. Just in time for the beginning of spring, fresh, leafy stems sprout, on which the distinctive flowers are enthroned. This results in this cut care:

  • Cut perennial daisies in late autumn or early spring
  • Grasp dead shoots in clusters with one hand
  • Use the cutting tool in the other hand to cut the stalks flush with the floor

The pruning of your garden and summer daisies is easy if you use a perennial sickle. The practical tool resembles a small-format farmer's scythe and cuts off dead shoots when pulled.

Cut and place the daisies tall trunks

Shrub daisies enchant gardens and balconies as picturesque tall trunks. Despite a botanical relationship with native daisy species, the decorative subshrubs from the Canary Islands north of the Alps are not hardy. Here, cutting and tidying go hand in hand. How to do it right:

  • Cut the daisies tall stems before putting them away
  • Suitable tools: sharp household scissors, rose or box tree scissors
  • Cut back the crown all around by up to two thirds
  • Winter in light and frost-free
  • If necessary, cut the round shape before clearing

As is typical for many Mediterranean subshrubs, pruning is aimed at preventing the lignification of the shoots. The crowns of tall daisies are cut in a similar way to lavender or rosemary. Ideally, cut the shoots back to just before the lignified area. A cut in the wood is not recommended as there are few or no sleeping eyes are made up of your Daisy can continue growth.

Use clippings as cuttings

When you get the crown of your daisy-stem into shape in spring, the clippings provide suitable material for propagation. Shoots without buds with a length of 10 to 15 centimeters have the potential to be cuttings. Planted in a pot with Potting soil and covered with a transparent hood, the rooting is not long in coming.


Perennial daisies in pots spend the cold season in frost-free, light winter quarters. There the temperatures should stay below the 10-degree mark so that the perennials do not sprout prematurely. Before storing, cut all shoots back to two fingers' widths above the substrate.