What is the botanical name of the flamingo flower?

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The generic name

It is made up of two Greek words:

  • Anthos for flower
  • Oura for tail

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results in "tail flower", which refers to the flower head that protrudes attractively from the husk.

But why flamingo flower?

Look at the bloom of one Anthurium exactly, this name almost explains itself. With a little imagination, the color and shape of the attractive ornamental plant are reminiscent of tropical birds. The bract looks like a bird's body from which the long neck rises elegantly.

The flamingo flower, an arum plant

Common to all arum plants is the bract, from which the flower protrudes like a stick. This family of plants owes its name to the older brother of Moses, who was called Aron. God gave him the office of high priest. According to legend, the representatives of all twelve tribes of Israel had placed a staff on the ark, but only that of Aron greened as a sign of his election.

Quick tips on care

Caring for the anthurium is relatively easy. It prefers a bright and warm location, but it does not tolerate full sun. Keep the substrate evenly moist without pouring over. The flamingo flower reacts very sensitively to waterlogging, which often results in root rot. Since the anthurium is slightly poisonous, you should wear gloves when working on the plant.


Also as Cut flower the anthurium is very popular. It exudes exoticism, self-confidence and, thanks to its bright colors, glamorous elegance. This makes it a piece of jewelry that also attracts attention in the vase.