Their effect on our organism

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These active ingredients contain red currants

In addition to many vitamins, red currants contain important minerals:

  • Vitamin A = 1.4%
  • Vitamin B 2, 3 and 6 = 1 to 4%
  • Vitamin C = 41%
  • Vitamin E = 0.5%
  • Vitamin K = 17%
  • Calcium = 3.6%
  • Iron = 6.6%
  • Potassium = 13%
  • Copper = 6.7%
  • Phosphorus = 4.4%
  • Selenium = 1.2%
  • Zinc = 1.3%

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  • Planting white currants in the garden
  • Cutting red currants - you have to pay attention!
  • Red currants - delicious berries from our own cultivation

The vitamin C content in the berries is particularly high. 100 grams of fresh red currants contain more vitamin C than, for example, lemons.

Red currants help against these complaints

Because of the high vitamin C content, red currants are effective against colds and flu-like infections. The immune system is strengthened by the vitamins.

In addition, by consuming red currants, you supply your body with important minerals that have a positive effect on eyes, hair, skin and general well-being.

Currant leaves are effective against venous disorders

The leaves of the red currant are traditionally used in natural medicine for venous disorders.

The effect of currant seed oil

A valuable pumpkin seed oil is obtained from the kernels of the red currant. It contains gamma-linolenic acid, which is particularly important in the treatment of skin conditions.

Consume red currants as fresh as possible

The ingredients of red currants suffer from long storage or even heating. So enjoy the delicious fruits as fresh as possible - preferably straight from the Red currant bush in your own garden.

Red currants can be made in different ways to process. The food then contains only a few vitamins. Most of the minerals, which are also important, are retained. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with enjoying red currants occasionally as a cooked compote or jam.


The black varieties are even healthier than red currants. The leaves of the black currant also contain flavonoids, anthocyanins, diterpenes, Tannins and essential oils used as tea for urinary tract problems and mild pain works.