Plumeria ∗ The 10 best care tips and varieties (Frangipani)

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Basically only the species known as Frangipani play for the local houseplant culture Plumeria a role. However, the genus includes some other species (around 20) that are generally found in the Neotropic, i.e. in the middle and South American, tropical to subtropical regions from the southern USA to the southern Andes, native are. The distribution area of ​​individual species also extends to the West Indies.

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The species that are relevant for us in Central Europe, the fragrant or the red frangipani, are native to the tropical areas from southern Florida via Mexico to Puerto Rico. Their original habitat is therefore a warm, humid rainforest climate, which is why they can only be found in all-year-round rooms in this country. Keep greenhouse culture.

The Austrians did the same at the end of the 18th century. Century in the Imperial Vienna Gardens. The plant has long been valued as an ornamental and scented plant in our latitudes.

Origin at a glance:

  • Different types of Plumeria are distributed throughout the Neotropic (southern USA to southern Andes)
  • For local gardening culture, only the Frangipani species from the tropical region of Central America are relevant
  • Can only be kept here in year-round room culture


The Frangipani grows as a large shrub with a stately, spreading habit. Other plumeria species also develop into large, thick-stemmed trees. The Frangipani species can reach about 7 meters high and 5 meters wide in their home range. In this country in the room culture, however, it is usually over after a maximum of 3 meters.

The richly branched branches have a fleshy, succulent consistency about 2 to 3 centimeters thick. All parts of the plant contain a toxic latex.

Growth characteristics in brief:

  • Frangipani cultivated in this country develop a bush-like, spreading habit
  • At the natural site up to 7 m high and up to 5 m wide, here a maximum of 3 m high
  • Other species of plumeria grow as large trees
  • Richly branched shrubbery with fleshy branches
  • Contains poisonous milk juice


The leaves of the Frangipani attach alternately and usually in clusters to the shoots. They have an elliptical to lanceolate shape and reach a length of 20 to 40 centimeters with a maximum width of 15 centimeters. Their color is a deep dark green. The pronounced, neat veining and the distinctive central rib give the leaves a stringent appearance.

Blade properties in brief:

  • Set alternately and accumulate at the end of the shoot
  • Elongated, elliptical to obscure lanceolate shape
  • Length 20 to 40 cm, width up to 15 cm
  • Rich, dark green color
  • Distinctive veins


The flowers of the frangipani have been a popular raw material for perfumery for a long time. The fragrant Frangipani contains fragrances that are characterized by a creamy delicacy, a gardenia-like flowery and a slightly fruity, peach-like nuance. The Frangipani-Odeur is used in scented waters, especially in combination with other exotic scents such as coconut.

But the visual appearance of the frangipani flowers is also extremely attractive. The sharply contoured shape of its 5 pointed, bowl-like petals and their waxy consistency give them a very elegant, exotic character. The splendid color scheme also makes the flower very decorative: there are varieties in bright pink to red or yellow or yellow-cream-white variants.

The petals are fused together like a funnel, so that the flowers present themselves like a noble calyx.

Overview of flower properties:

  • Exceptionally strong, creamy-floral-fruity fragrance
  • Five bowl-shaped, waxy petals, fused together like a funnel
  • Magnificent color variations from pink to red or yellow and white


The Frangipani shows its beautiful flowers throughout the summer, between June and September.


The flowers each form two follicles that contain many seeds.

Which location is suitable?

In the chapter on location we refer again to the most cultivated Frangipani species in this country, which come from tropical areas. Of course, its original habitat also determines the environmental requirements it needs: like all tropical plants, it needs warmth, brightness and high humidity all year round. It thrives best in a room or greenhouse with a permanent approx. 20 ° C.

Unlike other indoor plants from the tropics, the Frangipani has nothing against direct sunlight. On the contrary, she is a true sun worshiper and wants 6 hours of sun a day.

You still need to maintain the highest possible humidity.

In winter, the Frangipani is forced to take a break due to the dwindling supply of light. It can then be a bit cooler, but the temperature should not fall below 12 ° C.

What soil does the plant need?

As a substrate, the Frangipani needs a moderately nutrient-rich soil with a good drainage layer in the form of sand or Expanded clay.(€ 16.36 at Amazon *) Because it reacts quite sensitively to waterlogging. The pH value should be in the rather high range.
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Watering plumeria

You should be relatively careful when watering. The Frangipani is quite thirsty and needs a lot of water, especially in summer. However, as already mentioned, it is sensitive to waterlogging. So always make sure that the substrate has dried well before every watering and that the root ball is never permanently in the water. A very regular casting practice is necessary here - nothing for people who are less often at home.

During hibernation, however, you should water significantly less so that the plant sprouts properly in spring and forms buds.

Watering rules in brief:

  • Water vigorously, especially in summer, but in well-dosed sections
  • Avoid waterlogging at all costs
  • Significantly reduce the amount of water used in winter

Fertilize plumeria properly

According to the average nutrient requirement, the Frangipani can be regularly supplied with additional food throughout the main vegetation phase. A simple, universal liquid fertilizer that you add to the irrigation water every 2 weeks is suitable for this. However, the dose should be half concentrated at best.

Cut plumeria properly

Depending on how much space you want to give the Frangipani or how much space you can make available, it can either be cultivated freely growing or restrained in shape and size. However, it naturally forms a very shapely, albeit protruding crown - so if you have space, you should give it space. The interfaces also provide a breeding ground for fungi to colonize.

Otherwise, you can easily prune it regularly, preferably in early spring. Longer, disturbing shoots can easily be shortened and brought into the desired shape. The plant then branches again immediately at the interfaces.

Cutting rules in brief:

  • Frangipani can, but does not have to be, cut
  • Because of the naturally beautifully growing crown, only cut if there is a real lack of space
  • Otherwise the shoots can be trimmed without any problems


The inevitable loss of light in autumn requires the Frangipani culture to hibernate in our latitudes. This means that all other maintenance measures must also be shut down in parallel to the reduced amount of light. A slightly cooler ambient temperature makes perfect sense, but it must not fall below about 12 ° C. To do this, you can put them in a greenhouse that is not too heated. What light is available should not be withheld from the Frangipani in the winter months either. A glazed roof is therefore advisable.

You also reduce the watering quite a lot. Only give enough water so that the root ball never dries out completely.

Don't be alarmed: the plumeria loses its leaves during the winter break. This is normal in view of the lack of light and the generally shut down vegetation as a result. As soon as it gets lighter again in spring, the plant sprouts freshly without further ado.

Propagate plumeria

The Frangipani is best propagated by cuttings or by sowing seeds.


With this method, cut off a 20 cm long shoot from the upper crown of the bush, which, if possible, has not yet attached any leaves. In order to stop the escaping milk juice, it is advisable to dry the interface or to burn it with a flame. You put the cutting in a planter with Potting soil and a good proportion of sand. The cuttings take root best if the ambient temperature is warm, around 25 ° C, and if the humidity is constant. However, you should not pull it under foil.

You can also try, after the cutting edge of the cutting has dried well, to allow it to take root in a glass of water.

Seed cultivation

You can also grow a new frangipani from seeds you have collected yourself or bought. However, there is no guarantee that you will receive a daughter plant of the same variety and color. The seeds are germinated in potting soil at a soil temperature of 20 to 25 ° C and with constant moisture. With a size of 5-10 centimeters, the young plants can be repotted and further cultivated in a species-appropriate manner.


Fortunately, the Frangipani only rarely gets illnesses - mistakes in care that have to do with the water supply can afflict her. Above all, this includes waterlogging, which can lead to root rot, and insufficient humidity. The latter attracts the usual drought-loving parasites like Spider mites and mealybugs.


Spider mites and mealybugs are the most common pests that afflict moisture-loving tropical plants in heated rooms. It is not easy to maintain sufficient humidity in living spaces. Cultivation in the winter garden is therefore not only recommended for the Frangipani for reasons of light.

Spider mites

You can easily recognize these pests by the fine webs that they pull around the leaf axils and the branches of their host plants. Especially if they are red or yellowish in color, you can also remove the mites with bare eye recognize.

Spider mites are fairly easy to control by tackling them with water: first by using them with you wipe with a damp cloth and then spray the plant thoroughly with the disperser and cover it with foil wrap. In this humid, air-poor climate, the mites die within a week.


Mealybugs are also betrayed by a clearly visible secretion on the host plant: when sucking on the leaves, they secrete woolly balls, from which they also get their name. You should also first remove mealybugs mechanically by wiping them off with a wet cloth. Then apply a spray treatment with a mixture of water, alcohol and curd soap. (Quantity ratio: 1l - 15ml - 15ml)

Is plumeria poisonous?

As a member of the dog poison family, the Frangipani and all other Plumeria species are poisonous - they contain a milky sap with toxic saponins in the branches and leaves. Therefore, it is not necessarily suitable for households with small children and curious pets. It is also best to put on gloves when cutting the plumeria.


Within the Frangipani species, especially the Red Frangipani, some different cultivars are offered in the plant trade, which differ from each other mainly in the color of the flowers. Sometimes also a little in growth.

Plumeria rubra Divine

This variety of Red Frangipani impresses with its particularly pretty and numerous flowers. The waxy, artistic structures appear in a wonderfully exotic play of colors in the summer months: your heart presents itself in warm yellow-orange, which on the outside in clear white and finally in fresh pink on the edges of the petals transforms. The scent of the P. r. Divine is beguilingly flowery and fruity.

In terms of growth, the variety is quite compact due to its intensive branching and is therefore also suitable for exotic plant fans who have less space available. As a location, it should be granted a sunny place, ideal is a winter garden in which there is also good humidity.

Plumeria rubra Gina

In summer, the flowers of this variety stand out from the mid-green foliage in a scarlet pink with pinkish-red and yellowish-white edges. They look a little more flat than the flowers of the P. r. Divine. Their scent is also very intense.

In terms of growth, it develops quite broadly, but still with compact, richly branched shrubbery. It becomes about 2-3 m high.

Plumeria rubra Inca gold

The variety name of this variant already suggests its flower color: In fact, they shine from June in a rich golden yellow with delicate light yellow edges and exude a warm, southern flair. Its scent is sweet and slightly spicy. In a sunny, warm location, the P. r. Inca Gold is also extremely willing to flower.

Their growth is bushy and richly branched, they reach 2.50 m in height.

Plumeria rubra Dulcemia

If you are a fan of strong red tones, we recommend this variant: the more sun it gets, the variety blooms in an intense red. When there is less light, the flower color remains paler, more in the pink to pastel pink area. Their scent is fruity.

The P. r. Dulcemia grows bushy and reaches a height of about 2.50 meters.